Why do garlic leaves turn yellow and what to do
If the garlic turns yellow in spring or early summer, then urgent action is needed. Otherwise, a good harvest will not work.
Why do garlic leaves turn yellow?
The crop can turn yellow at any stage of growth. This occurs most often between early spring and early summer. Both winter and spring garlic can turn yellow.
The lower leaves of garlic turn yellow first.
The reasons for yellowing are as follows:
- lack of nutrients in the soil, mainly nitrogen, magnesium and potassium;
- acidic soil;
- moisture deficiency;
- diseases, in particular fusarium, bacterial rot, black or white mold;
- pests such as stem nematode.
If the winter garlic turned yellow in early spring, then it froze. Yellowing begins at the tips, then all leaves turn yellow. As a result, the heads grow small.
What to do if garlic leaves turn yellow?
So that winter garlic does not turn yellow early, it is necessary to observe the timing of planting the culture. If you plant it in early October, then before the onset of autumn frosts, it will not only have time to take root, but also put out young leaves. This will negatively affect the development of garlic. It is better to plant it in November, after planting, mulch the soil with humus.
Create favorable conditions for culture, namely:
- Garlic prefers neutral soil. If the soil is acidic, then add lime during the autumn digging. Enough 35-40 kg per 1 sq. m plot.
- If May and June are dry, water the garlic regularly. Loosen the soil after watering.
- If the garlic turns yellow and grows very slowly, then the reason is a lack of nutrients. In early spring, apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers to the soil. Humus or urea will do. If the reason for yellowing is a lack of potassium or magnesium in the soil, then fertilize the garlic at the rate of 20 g / 10 L of potassium sulfate water or 200 g / 10 L of magnesium sulfate water. You can do foliar dressing with a solution of wood ash or add liquid garlic dressing to the culture.
- For the prevention of diseases, soak the cloves in a solution of potassium permanganate before planting. To repel pests, plant marigolds, calendula, or mint in the aisles.
The culture can turn yellow leaves not only on acidic, but also on heavy soils. Dilute this soil with sand. Garlic prefers loose, moist soil. Avoid stagnant water in the beds, especially in spring. Plant your crop in an elevated area.
Normally, the leaves turn yellow closer to mid-July, when the formation of the bulb ends. If this happens, you don’t have to worry.
To get large heads of garlic, maintain a comfortable growing environment and properly manage the crop.