Why do flies dream
Flies are not the most pleasant creatures, so dreams about them are often interpreted unambiguously. But sometimes there are opposite opinions. Understanding what flies dream of

Flies in Miller’s dream book

Flies are a very unpleasant creature. So after dreams about them, you should not expect anything good. The general interpretation of what flies dream of, Miller gives this: to illness, grief and the machinations of enemies. The more insects, the more problems will be. Did you manage to get rid of the flies (the method is not important)? There are two options for development: either you are lucky in any business, or your loved ones will be let down by health.

For a girl, a fly in a dream promises misfortune. But if she can be killed or driven away, then pleasant changes will occur in the love sphere.

Miller also explains what the dreaming flycatcher symbolizes: intrigue, poor health, or an impending conflict with friends. If there were a lot of dead insects on the adhesive tape, then the current difficulties will be resolved, and in general, a white streak will come in your life.

Flies in Vanga’s dream book

The clairvoyant believed that in the form of flies, the souls of dear people come to us, or those who have already died, or those who will die in the foreseeable future. The more intrusive the insect behaves in a dream, the closer you are to the person you will lose, it will be difficult for you to come to terms with a bitter loss. Therefore, if in a dream you kill a fly, then heed Vanga’s advice and just pray for the deceased, because you still cannot change anything. The sooner you accept the situation, the sooner you will leave mental anguish and relief will come.

A swarm of flies in a dream is a reminder for you that you need to remember the deceased relatives and friends.

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Flies in the Islamic dream book

A fly is a harmless creature, but very unpleasant and annoying. Therefore, your enemy, whom she symbolizes in a dream, will turn out to be a weak, despicable, often cursing person. He strives for superiority over you, to make trouble for you, but he lacks the strength and imagination.

Sitting in a dream on some object belonging to you, the fly warns – they will try to steal this thing from you, take care of its safety in advance. But if a lot of flies accumulate in your house, then this is already a negative image – enemies will annoy you en masse. A swarm of flies has two other interpretations. It can symbolize the landing of troops (in the place where insects are circling) or ill-gotten profits.

It’s good if you kill a fly in a dream. Then peace and health will come into your life.

Flies in Freud’s dream book

Freud associated dream flies with personal life and children. He analyzed the following most common dream scenarios:

  • drive, kill annoying flies. Reflection of hostility and even hatred that you feel for your children on a subconscious level;
  • tear off parts of the body (wings, paws) of insects. Secret desire to enter into intimacy with a minor person;
  • flies are flying around you, but you don’t notice them, they don’t bother you. Think about reducing the custody of your children?
  • insects swarm around you, buzzing loudly, annoying, but you can’t do anything with them. Failures will befall you: They can occur in a variety of areas, including love and intimate. Control yourself so as not to take out your anger on the children;
  • flies stuck around some object. Do not lose vigilance: changes will come in your life. But they will bring you joy or frustration, it is impossible to predict.

Flies in Loff’s dream book

Flies in a dream indicate disturbing thoughts that overcome the sleeper. Most often they relate to health (of their own or loved ones). Real problems in this area will arise if you dream of a dead fly or a fly that has flown into your mouth: you will have to fight an infectious disease.

A dream can be considered a good sign, in which insects stick to an adhesive flytrap tape: it means that your strength of mind has allowed you to overcome problems and now the stage of worries and anxieties is over. If you chased flies around the apartment, then the situation is still far from stabilizing, but you have already taken the first and important step: you realized that you are tormented by obsessive thoughts, that there is no harmony in your soul and you really want to start changing.

Flies in the dream book of Nostradamus

A fly can be correlated with such qualities as envy, hypocrisy, obsession. Take a closer look, is there a person with such qualities among those with whom you communicate closely at this stage of life? A clue as to who it might be is the details of the dream. So, if flies sat on the ceiling in large numbers, then you need to pay attention to your personal life: your partner is hypocritical in some matters. With such a person, you are unlikely to be happy. Talk to him seriously and then decide whether you need such a relationship or not?

Flies in Tsvetkov’s dream book

The scientist advises to pay attention to the number of insects. One fly dreams of sadness, and a large number – to an increase in the number of friends.

Flies in the Esoteric dream book

Terribly annoying people will come to you in a dream in the form of a fly. If you yourself appear in the form of this insect, it means that you are terribly tired of someone.

A swarm of flies are debilitating problems that will accumulate in large numbers. By the way, this is an occasion to think about whether you should change the environment?

Psychologist’s comment

Uliana Burakova, psychologist:

The dream in which you saw flies will have an individual meaning for each. To find out, it is important to focus on how you feel, ask yourself questions. Remember your dream. What did the flies look like: their color, shape, size? What were their actions? What are your feelings from sleep, what is your role in sleep, what is the role of these insects? What were your feelings in the dream?

What do you associate flies with? Draw the relationship between the dream and the events that occur in life. Perhaps your unconscious is telling you something through the image of a fly.

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