- Why fingers turn black under gold rings: reasons
- A finger turns black from a gold ring: folk signs
- If your finger turns black from a gold ring: what to do?
- The reason for the darkening of the finger under the silver ring
- What do the signs say about the darkening of the ring.
- What to do about darkening
- What to do if the wedding rings have darkened?
Gold is a popular material for jewelry making, and rings are one of the oldest pieces of jewelry. But even in the old days, people wondered why fingers turn black under gold rings. Experts agree that the black stripes after the gold metal rings indicate a person’s illness. But in reality, there is no relationship.
Why fingers turn black under gold rings: reasons
There are a number of well-founded reasons why one can understand why the skin darkens after using gold jewelry.
- The use of polishing products. Before being sold, gold items are treated with a polishing paste. If it is badly washed off, then dark spots will appear on the skin. After a short time, the paste will be washed off and wiped off, and the problem will disappear by itself.
- Unfair manufacturers. In order to save money, other metals are sometimes illegally mixed into gold. Therefore, you need to buy gold only in specialized stores during a preliminary examination, as well as studying the composition of the product. Poor alloy quality can produce unpleasant surprises over time.
- The use of cosmetics. If you smear your hands with cream and put on the ring immediately, the metal will begin to oxidize. This will lead to the formation of black streaks.
Excessive meat consumption and sweating are also cited as causes. Sweat contains a large number of different substances that react with gold and other impurities. As a result of this interaction, the skin darkens. Contact of gold items with smoke, soot and various gases also often leads to such consequences.
A finger turns black from a gold ring: folk signs
People believe that this phenomenon has a mystical meaning. The people believe that the appearance of black specks in the place of a ring made of the warmest metal is the first sign that damage has been directed at a person.
- Gold is a sensitive metal and it immediately picks up negative influences directed at its owner or owner. To get rid of the evil eye, it is recommended to lower the ring for a while in consecrated water and rub your hands with it.
But most often, such phenomena are considered a signal of serious malfunctions in the body and diseases. Such a manifestation in pregnant women is especially serious. The people believe that this is a signal of a malfunction in the development of the fetus. But in any case, do not panic. It is advisable to immediately consult a doctor in order to find out the problems that have arisen and eliminate them in time.
If your finger turns black from a gold ring: what to do?
To eliminate this phenomenon, you need to try to follow the following instructions:
- use high-quality hand cosmetics;
- store gold items correctly;
- check your health;
- remove jewelry during dirty work;
- change a jewel.
It is clear that rings made of pure gold cannot be worn, since this metal has a too soft structure. For this reason, other ingredients are added to it to make it harder. The main thing is that the amount of additives does not exceed the permissible norm.
The reason for the darkening of the finger under the silver ring
There are several simple explanations for the darkening of fingers from silver jewelry:
• The first reason is the use of polishes in stores . As you may have noticed, in a good jewelry store, all the jewelry is beautifully laid out, polished to a shine and highlighted in a special way. And all this is done in order to maximize the attraction of its buyer. So, if this polishing material is not thoroughly washed off the jewelry, then upon contact with the skin, the alloy begins to darken. In this case, you just need to wipe the jewel with gasoline or wash it in an ultrasonic cleaner, which is available in any jewelry workshop.
• The second is the use of cosmetics. As a rule, girls use various hand creams and do not think at all that cosmetics can cause jewelry to oxidize. Moreover, on those rings that you wear every day, this is imperceptible, because the creams are quickly absorbed, and their residues are wiped off when touched with surrounding things. But if you smeared your hands with cream, removed the ring and put it on the shelf, then dark spots may appear after a while.
• And the most common reason is low-quality jewelry alloy . Very often, unscrupulous manufacturers “cheat” by mixing more copper into gold, which reacts with grease, moisture, dirt on their hands and quickly darkens.
If you want to have a quality piece of jewelry, then it is better to contact a well-known store so that you do not unknowingly buy a fake. |
What do the signs say about the darkening of the ring.
• There is an opinion that the darkening of the ring, especially the very beloved one, is not just like that. Folk signs say that if dark spots appear on the decoration, then the evil eye or damage is on the person . And all because gold is a very sensitive material that can show that its owner will soon be in trouble.
In order to get rid of the evil eye, dip your favorite gold ring in running spring water, wipe your hands with it and wash your face. The water will take away everything bad. |
• If a gold ring suddenly lost its luster and darkened, then the owner is in danger at work : perhaps setting up or deceiving a partner.
• Black plaque on a ring with a large stone – there is an envious person who seeks to do evil in various ways.
• If the decoration has turned black very sharply, and the plaque is practically not removed, the owner is threatened with a bad disease . Do not be afraid: go through an examination with a doctor in order to find and cure the disease in time, if there is one, of course.
• A dark streak appeared on the skin under the gold jewelry – an ill-wisher appeared in the immediate environment .
What to do about darkening
If you notice that your ring has darkened, you should not immediately run to grandmothers and sorcerers, who with great joy will convince you of the presence of damage or the evil eye, although this is actually not the case. To begin with, try to apply the physical principles of purification, well, and if it doesn’t help, then you can already try energy ones.
Silver is very easy to clean with a simple toothpaste :
1. Dip the jewelry in warm water.
2. Apply some regular toothpaste to a piece of cloth.
3. Remove the ring from the water and clean it with a cloth. When rubbed, the dark coating will come off the ring very quickly.
4. Finally, rinse the jewelry in warm water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.
If you need to clean the gold ring, then use one of the suggested methods.
• Prepare a solution of soap and peroxide. To do this, you will need two tablespoons of peroxide, a teaspoon of liquid soap and a glass of water. Soak the ring in this solution for 20 minutes, then rinse the jewelry under running water. This method is one of the most effective methods of cleaning gold items. However, remember that it is only suitable for jewelry without stones.
• Another recipe with dishwashing detergent. Mix a teaspoon of dish detergent in one glass of room temperature water. Lower the gold there, and then put it in a water bath for 5 … 10 minutes. After that, wash off the soap residue with drinking water and wipe the jewelry with a soft cloth.
• If you need to clean a ring with a pebble, it is better to use a velvet, felt cloth or a clean white eraser. Take a piece of suitable cloth, sit in front of your favorite TV series and calmly polish the surface of the ring. The procedure can take quite a long time, but in this way you will not damage the gemstone inserts.
• And the easiest cleaning procedure is to go to a jeweler. The service will not be expensive and will not take much time, but in this case you will definitely get an excellent result and will not damage the jewelry.
What to do if the wedding rings have darkened?
There was a dark coating on the engagement rings? You should be careful. If dirt is seen on both jewelry , then difficulties can await the family – misunderstanding between spouses, quarrels, distrust, up to divorce. To save the family, you can turn to the church for help: it is recommended to consecrate the rings, and the spouses should take communion.
If the ring of one spouse has darkened , wait for the news: perhaps very unpleasant secrets of the second spouse will be revealed soon. In this case, the husband and wife are advised to talk and find out what is going on in the relationship. And if a simple conversation did not lead to anything, contact a family psychologist who may help with the accumulated conflicts and problems.
If you see that your finger has darkened from a gold and silver ring, do not be alarmed. It is not at all obvious that you were damaged or that someone accidentally or “intentionally” jinxed you. As it turns out, there are a lot of reasons for the darkening of the ring, and not all of them are associated with esotericism. Perhaps you need to put additional filters on running water or just remove the ring before playing sports. Analyze the situation and try several different options, one will definitely work.