Why do eyes itch? What to do?

Why do eyes itch? What are the reasons?

It is possible to identify a huge number of factors that cause itchy eyes:

  • Application of eye drops;

  • Infection;

  • Eye diseases (cataract, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, barley);

  • Wearing lenses;

  • seasonal allergies;

  • Dry eye syndrome;

  • Reaction to dust, pollen;

  • Use of cosmetics: mascara, powder;

  • Blepharitis (inflammatory process and redness in the region of the edges of the eyelids);

  • An eye mite that lives on the eyebrows and eyelashes of many people. The disease that occurs for this reason is called demodicosis. It should be noted that it can be diagnosed in any person, but this phenomenon does not cause any problems until the time when, for some reason, the parasite begins to multiply very actively;

  • Healing of small wounds or cracks that are located nearby. This is due to the fact that the substances produced by the body to heal injuries provoke itching.

Eyes can itch due to what got into them:

Why do eyes itch? What to do?

  • Foreign body (a speck of dust or a grain of sand) – they provoke the formation of minor injuries;

  • A substance that is caustic in nature can also act as an irritant and, unlike dust, can cause serious problems.

Depending on what exactly caused the itching in the eye area, irritation can affect not only the mucous membrane, but also the eyelids. In some situations, itching in the eyes is provoked by allergic components that are located in the air. Bird feathers, particles of domestic animal hair (cats or dogs, especially long-haired ones), ordinary household dust or pollen of various plants that bloom not only in summer but also in spring can be such substances or agents.

Discomfort in the eyes may be the result of a specific cause, namely, such as dryness of the mucous membrane. For many, the very real danger is the chemistry used in everyday life. Including washing powders, bleaches and conditioners, as well as dishwashing and cleaning products. In such a situation, it is recommended to use much more natural “grandmother’s” products, consisting of more than 50% plant components. It is they who will not cause harm or provoke allergic reactions and, at the same time, will most effectively cope with the tasks in terms of maintaining cleanliness.

What to do if itchy eyes?

Why do eyes itch? What to do?

Eye itching should not be ignored. The way to restore optimal eye health is in direct proportion to the causes that caused this irritation. You can check the skin in the eye area for the presence of demodicosis by visiting a dermatovenereologist, and the eyes and eyelids themselves – by an ophthalmologist. Treatment of this stage is carried out in two stages, namely antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory therapy, and after that a complex of hygiene procedures.

In order to reduce irritation, ophthalmologists recommend taking breaks during work as often as possible, changing the focus of the eyes, and using special glasses when working at a computer for a long time. In addition to all this, it is necessary to monitor the degree of acidity of gastric juice.

To reduce itching, a specialist may prescribe drops and special procedures. According to studies, most often the eyes itch as a result of allergic reactions, and therefore, for effective treatment, the symptoms and factors of allergies should be neutralized. In the event that a foreign body has appeared in the eye, it is not recommended to remove it yourself, it would be best to consult a doctor.

Treatment of eye itching, which was caused by ailments, should be symptomatic and should be started as early as possible.

For example, dry eye syndrome stops after:

  • Long rest – more than 10 minutes every hour;

  • The use of drops of the so-called “artificial tears”;

  • Rest eyes when working at a computer or laptop for every 60 minutes. This will be the perfect preventative for all eye problems, not just itching;

  • Indoor applications such as humidifiers.

Barley at the very beginning, when it appears, is treated by applying dry heat. However, after the abscess has matured, nothing of the kind can be done, because the process of infection can spread to the associated tissues. The opening and disappearance of itching occurs after a maximum of a week after the onset of the primary signs of the disease. You can prevent the formation of barley if you achieve an increase in overall immunity and follow all the rules of personal hygiene.

Such eye ailments as cataracts and glaucoma are treated exclusively by an ophthalmologist, the specialist will be able to choose the most effective medicines based on the age category of the patient and concomitant diseases. However, is it possible to deal with eye itching using traditional medicine?

National signs

Why do eyes itch? What to do?

There are many signs that indicate to which event the right or left eye itches. About each of them below.

What is the left eye scratching for?

If you believe the signs, the left eye itches:

  • To tears if it itches for several hours;

  • To quarrels with intense scabies;

  • Unfortunately, if the right eye itches at the same time;

  • For money, when the wrist or palm also itches;

  • To unexpected good news, if it itches in the morning or on an empty stomach.

Why does the right eye itch?

Based on beliefs, it should be noted that the right eye itches:

  • To joyful emotions or laughter, if the tip of the nose itches;

  • To an unexpected, but, nevertheless, long-awaited meeting, when itching is accompanied by heel scratching;

  • To a date with a loved one and at the same time your back should itch;

  • To tears or chagrin, if the left eye also itches.

To believe in beliefs or not, everyone decides for himself. However, it is very important to treat this phenomenon if it becomes permanent. In this case, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist, and not engage in self-treatment. Such an approach will help not only to quickly cope with deviations in health status, but also help to prevent this in the future.

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