Why Do Doctors Prescribe Zinc For Viral Diseases?
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There is a whole range of viral diseases affecting the human body in the world – ranging from skin diseases, through diseases of internal organs, and ending with systemic diseases, commonly known as influenza. Doctors and scientists know many strains of viruses that cause these diseases, including the most popular coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The amount of available antiviral drugs is incomparably smaller than that of antibacterial drugs. For this reason, it is so important to follow all the doctor’s recommendations – so that we can enjoy health as soon as possible. One such recommendation may be to take zinc on a regular basis. In Poland, it is a microelement that is becoming more and more popular, while in America it is almost a standard accompanying the treatment of viral diseases. But why is the correct supply of zinc so important in the course of viral diseases?

Zinc has the ability to inhibit the multiplication of viruses in our body in two different ways. The first way is to block the development cycle and the multiplication of viruses in the cells of our body. For example, zinc blocks the herpes virus from integrating into the cell membrane and thus infecting the cell. In turn, for the coronavirus or the influenza virus, zinc blocks proteins (RdRp) that are key in the process of creating hundreds of new viruses inside the cell. In this way, the activity of the viruses is reduced and the infection process can be significantly mitigated. Our immune system deals with the remaining viruses in the body. This is where the second way zinc works. This key micronutrient is responsible for the proper functioning of a huge number of processes in the complex machinery of our immune system. Zinc plays a role in the activation of certain proteins involved in inflammatory processes. In the case of zinc deficiency, the inflammatory process becomes much stronger (we feel it due to increased fever, weakness, pain and redness – e.g. in the throat), and the defense effectiveness of our leukocytes is much lower. Speaking of leukocytes, zinc is responsible for the maturation and activity of lymphocytes – cells closely related to acquired immunity and the production of antibodies. Thus, the discussed element even supports the effective acquisition of immunity during preventive vaccinations. After all, zinc can also be associated with the element of youth, because it has antioxidant properties and accelerates the regeneration of the body’s cells. All this makes zinc an extremely valuable ally in the course of viral diseases.

It is estimated that zinc deficiency may affect as much as 20-30% of the world’s population. Typically, a blood deficiency value is <70 µg / dL (<10,7 µmol / L), but a reliable diagnosis is usually only obtained after several laboratory determinations. To treat zinc deficiency, your doctor or pharmacist may recommend a suitable drug. High-quality Polish medicines are a good choice: Zincas containing 5,5 mg of zinc ions and Zincas Forte containing 27 mg of zinc ions. Both of these drugs are available in pharmacies for sale by hand.


COMPOSITION: 1 tablet contains 5,5 mg of zinc ions in the form of 31 mg of zinc hydrogen aspartate dihydrate (Zinci hydroaspartas)


CONTRAINDICATIONS: Hypersensitivity to zinc hydrogen aspartate dihydrate or to any of the excipients (potato starch, sucrose, talc, magnesium stearate, dextrin, sodium carboxymethyl starch type C, microcrystalline cellulose, quinoline yellow (E 104)). It should not be used in renal failure.


COMPOSITION: 1 tablet contains 27 mg of zinc ions in the form of 150 mg of zinc hydrogen aspartate dihydrate (Zinci hydroaspartas).

INTENDED USE: Zinc deficiency, if this cannot be corrected by a varied diet.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients (potato starch, sucrose, talc, magnesium stearate, dextrin, sodium carboxymethyl starch type C, microcrystalline cellulose). It should not be used in renal failure.

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.

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