Dream about crows – meaning

Most dream books claim that seeing this bird in a dream is not good. Let’s find out the details of what crows dream of.

Crows are intelligent birds that have appeared countless times in myths and legends. Many nations have a belief that these animals are psychopomps, guides of souls to the world of the dead. Why is the crow in the dream? Consider the interpretation of the most authoritative dream books.

The Bulgarian seer believed that the raven was a sad herald, announcing with its cry and even the very appearance of misfortunes and troubles.

If you dreamed of a flock of crows circling in the air, a military conflict will soon occur, many people will suffer, the earth will be covered with corpses, and they will not have time to bury the dead, so there will be a feast for the crows and sorrow, mourning for people.

Seeing a screaming raven is a sure sign that death is hanging over your house, you need to pray, and salvation will come.

A dream in which crows build nests in trees portends a disease that will affect people and livestock, so that they stop eating animal meat. Salvation will be found in water, herbs, prayers and mercy.

If the crows completely cover the ground (field) with their flock – such a dream predicts a lean year, bread will be expensive, and the birds will not find grains, they will die in large numbers if they do not escape, flying to the southeast, where there will be a harvest.

To kill a crow in a dream – in reality you will be powerless in front of a fatal illness of someone close, medicines will not help, no matter how much you hope for them and for doctors, only compassion and patience at the bedside of a dying person will brighten his last days in this world.

In a dream you kill a black bird (a deadly disease), considering it the source of suffering – a relief for the patient, and he knows this, and you need to come to terms with it.

A crow in a dream according to Miller usually dreams of sad events.

Hearing their croaking means an adverse effect on you and, as a result, erroneous actions. This dream warns young men about the tricks and intrigues against them of the fair sex.

Married women can dream of a crow when the relationship in marriage has come to a standstill. At this moment, the dreamer and her spouse are not connected by anything other than everyday life and, possibly, intimacy

If you dreamed of a crow or a raven, according to Freud, this indicates that your existing relationships are at the stage when the external covers the internal essence. You feel good in bed, but you yourself don’t really know what feelings, other than passionate desire, bind you and make your new union so attractive to both of you.

After sober reflection, you begin to understand that harmony and mutual understanding between you reign only in bed, while in normal times you can hardly find what you could talk about. Most likely, you are really bound only by intimate relationships.

Crowing birds around – to troubles and misfortunes. But the cry of one crow is a warning that the dreamer can make a very terrible mistake that can no longer be corrected. The warning for a young guy is especially strong: his chosen one should not be taken at his word, she deceives, uses and does not love at all. The dream in which they fill the earth means the coming of famine and disasters for the whole coming year.

Nostradamus, in what the crow dreams of, adhered to the generally accepted attitude and believed that we had a negative sign. If you see this bird, then get ready to face bad news, malaise and reasons for sadness and grief. But it’s not always so bad. For example, if crows are circling in a clear sky, on which there is not a single cloud, then you are guaranteed success.

Tsvetkov claims that a crow appears in a dream as a sign of bad news. Hearing crows croaking is also bad news, but many flying ones are a funeral.

According to the interpretation from the Esoteric dream book, such a dream promises disappointment in a partner.

For women, a flying black crow dreams of a deterioration in reputation; pecking bread – to trouble in his personal life; screaming – to slander.

The dream interpretation interprets the crow as an image of a vicious, low person. I dreamed of catching a crow in a dream, which means making money in a dishonest way. There is crow meat – to the possible receipt of money from thieves. Seeing a raven on the door of your own house – to commit a serious crime, possibly murder.

Interpretation of a dream about a crow, depending on its details. It is good if you manage to remember all the circumstances of the dream. But even if, after waking up, you only remember that you saw a big crow in a dream, it doesn’t matter – such a dream can also be interpreted quite accurately. As the dream book says, the crow is interpreted depending on the size, color, behavior of the bird and the place of action.

It is believed that the black crow that came to you in a dream is the embodiment of the soul of the deceased, who thus visits his relatives. If in your dream the crow speaks human language, then her words can turn out to be a real prophecy.

Pay close attention to what she tells you in a dream. There is another interpretation of what the black crow dreams of: if the bird pecked something before your eyes, you will soon have to experience mortal fear. Such a dream is a real warning, be very careful.

If you met an aggressive black crow in a dream, such a dream warns you of upcoming changes that will change your affairs for the worse. This is an important warning, in the next 28 days, fate may bring you unexpected surprises, some of which may become unpleasant.

As the dream book says, a black crow in your house is a harbinger of bad news. If you watch a crow fly into the house, then there is a person next to you who wants to seem like your friend, but in fact has completely different intentions. Be attentive to your friends and acquaintances.

We continue to study the dream book: a crow flew out the window – soon you will receive the long-awaited news. A black crow is a sign of sad news, a white one is a harbinger of joyful events.

What is the dream of a crow flying in through the window, but sitting on the windowsill? Here the forecast is more optimistic. A bird sitting on a window symbolizes the end of a long black streak in your life.

It can also be interpreted as the end of an illness or prolonged depression. But if the crow stayed on the window and did not fly back, in order to turn your life back on track, you need to make every effort. So don’t expect miracles, help yourself.

If a crow sits on the window and stares at you, it means that you are obsessed with a sense of justice. Such people often bring trouble on their own by exposing the actions of others. There is a lot of injustice in our world, and unfortunately, we cannot always influence this. Try not to react so sharply to the behavior of others, at least for the sake of yourself and your loved ones.

Why is a dead crow in the dream? It would seem that this is a bad sign. But in fact, the death or killing of a crow portends you a complete victory over your enemy. Therefore, do not be afraid if you had such a dream. But there is another interpretation, unfortunately, not as optimistic as the first one – sad news awaits your loved ones.

If in a dream you saw a very large crow, then the upcoming problems will be major. To see a crow of unusually large size in a dream means to experience sad events in reality. For a man, it can be intrigues from the female side. If a big bird croaks loudly, then the dream is interpreted as the harmful influence of a person from your environment.

Under the influence of others, you make mistakes that negatively affect your career or family affairs. It is believed that if a big crow builds a nest in a dream, then one of the children will have a long illness.

If in a dream you saw a weak, sick crow, then this means that your daily affairs will be delayed. The result that you planned to get in the near future will be delayed by weeks, or even months. If in your dream the chick was strong, noisy and healthy, then such a dream promises you an increase in vital energy, an increase in strength and an improvement in health. A crow hiding in a corner of a cage promises important negotiations, and little funny crows in a dream are a sign of the beginning of a romantic relationship or light flirting.

Why do many black crows dream – it is believed that to see a flock circling in the air in a dream is a sign of military conflicts or terrorist attacks. Such a dream means that in the near future events will occur that will lead to a large number of deaths. If in a dream a flock of black crows completely covers a field or land, it means that a lean year lies ahead.

If the bird croaked loudly – probably the worst dream in which you can see a crow. The dream interpretation interprets this as the approach of death. It is believed that only constant sincere prayers can help in this case.

If in a dream it seems to you that you are screaming along with a crow, then in reality you need to carefully monitor your words. Your speeches offend loved ones, hurt them to the very heart. With such behavior, it will not be long to be completely alone, this is what the dream warns you about. Before you say something, think a few times, because one carelessly thrown word can forever destroy even the strongest friendship.

If you killed a screaming crow, then such a dream could mean victory over the enemy. It is also interpreted as the suppression of gossip that spread behind your back. Most likely, you yourself will be the cause of such events, so do not be afraid of bold actions, but let your risk always be justified.

If the crow that attacked you was aiming at your face, expect a quarrel during which you will hear words that will hit you to the quick. Do not despair, most likely, these words are the bitter truth told to your face. Maybe it’s time for you to change for the better.

A dream in which a crow circles overhead, preparing for an attack, portends unexpected bad news that will fall on you like snow on your head. Also, the attack of a crow is interpreted as evil intrigues that “well-wishers” are preparing for you. If in a dream you manage to defeat a raven, then the spiteful critics will not be able to realize their plans. Therefore, the outcome of such a dream is very important for a more accurate interpretation.


All dreams are a reflection of our reality. Don’t take dreams too seriously. Without a doubt, a crow in a dream is an omen of bad news. Most likely, sad events will turn your life in a different direction, disrupt the usual course of events, and perhaps this should be regarded as a warning about an impending illness.

But for this we see such dreams in order to be fully armed. Be prepared for any twist of fate, because difficulties harden us and make us many times stronger.

On November 9, the premiere of the series “Onlife” took place – a continuation of the popular series “Instalife” about five virtual girlfriends, who this time decide to make their life happy in reality, and not just in social networks. 

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