Why do cheflera leaves fall
Shefler leaves can turn yellow and fall off for several reasons. To save the plant from death, you need to follow the rules for caring for the plant.
Why do cheflera leaves fall
The plant sometimes loses leaves, or dark spots and yellowness appear on them. The reason usually lies in improper care or illness.
Sheffler leaves do not like bright sunlight, they can get sunburn and fall off
The main factors affecting foliage health:
- waterlogging of the soil. If you regularly fill the chefler, the soil will turn sour and the roots will start to rot. This decay spreads to the leaves, and they turn yellow and crumble. The stronger the damage to the roots, the more leaves fall off;
- disease. The plant can infect diseases: mealybug, spider mite, scale insect. If the disease is started, the leaves darken and fall off;
- hit by the bright sun. If the flowerpot is in direct sunlight, the leaves become covered with dark spots and fall off. This is a sunburn;
- in winter. In winter, the chef may not have enough sunshine. It happens that the room temperature is very low or, conversely, there are many heating devices, therefore it is hot and dry. Sheflera can artificially fall into a dormant period, which leads to loss of foliage.
All these reasons can be eliminated and the plant revitalized.
What to do if the leaves fall off the chefs
If the cheflera is sick, you need to revive her. Pull it out of the flowerpot and inspect, remove the spoiled and rotten roots. Place the roots in a solution of epin or zircon for 60-90 minutes. Then treat with a fungicide.
Place the plant in fresh soil and spray with zircon solution. Cover completely with a large plastic bag. Air and spray the leaves every 4 days. Water very little.
The convalescence can take a long time until fresh foliage begins to appear. After the plant regains its previous appearance, provide it with proper care.
The shefler needs to be watered with settled water at room temperature or slightly higher. When the earthen lump is completely dry, water the plant abundantly so that the water reaches the pan, pour out the excess. Water once a week, but spray often.
Place the chef under the shower periodically. Water should be at room temperature
Sheflera loves light, so place her on the lighted side. And in winter, provide additional lighting. When the sun is very active, cover it with a light curtain from direct sunlight. In the summer, place the chef in an open area out of the reach of bright rays, free of drafts and wind.
Maintain a medium humidity indoors. The comfortable temperature for winter is 16-18⁰С. If the flowerpot is located near heating devices, pour wet expanded clay or pebbles into the pallet.
This unique plant absorbs negative energy and gives back oxygen and moisture. However, you need to take care of the sheflera with extreme care and attention. This is the only way it will look good and benefit you.