Why do blood clots form after the COVID-19 vaccine? The expert explains
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In early April, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced that AstraZeneki could cause thrombosis, but the risk is very low. However, according to many experts, the likelihood of developing this symptom after vaccination is similar to, or even lower than, the incidence of similar incidents for the general public, including the unvaccinated. But why can blood clots form after vaccination against the coronavirus? This question is answered by prof. Krzysztof Ziaja specialist in general surgery and angiology.

  1. The European Medicines Agency announced some time ago that AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine may cause thrombosis
  2. The EMA’s view of Johnson & Johnson is similar: there is a possible link between vaccination and very rare cases of unusual blood clots
  3. Were the people who died had normal platelet levels prior to vaccination, had they had any spleen disease, or were they otherwise disadvantaged? It is not known – believes the surgeon, prof. Krzysztof Ziaja
  4. Research conducted in the USA shows that out of 6,8 million vaccinations with AstraZeneka, there were only 6 cases of thrombosis in women aged 18 to 48 due to thrombocytopenia – adds the doctor
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Vaccinations and blood clots. Why are they formed?

Martyna Chmielewska, Medexpress: The coronavirus epidemic continues to take a deadly toll. Almost 150 million infections have been reported worldwide. 3 million 150 thousand died people. In Poland, 2 million 777 thousand. people have been infected. Over 66 thousand died people. Vaccinations against the coronavirus are currently underway in our country. Recently, the media reported that there were cases of blood clots in vaccinated people around the world. Why do blood clots form after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine?

Krzysztof Ziaja: On the one hand, thrombosis is a boon, on the other hand, it is a curse. If the body did not form clots, a person would bleed out at the slightest injury. Thrombosis was defined in the Virchow triad: slowing down of flow, wall damage, blood thickening, and an increase in thrombotic alertness. Does the virus, which is the vaccine, affect the vessels in this way? It is difficult to answer this question. There is no exact case study of people who died because of this. Of the 34 million doses of AstraZeneca (AS), 222 patients were diagnosed with thrombosis. 18 people died.

Were the people who died had normal platelet levels prior to vaccination, had they had any spleen disease, or were they otherwise disadvantaged? There are no such studies. Therefore, we can as well say that contraceptive drugs cause more thrombosis than vaccination. The risk of thrombosis in vaccinated AS is: 1 in 100 and 1 death in a million. Medicover in the United States of America is doing very precise research on this matter. They show that out of 6,8 million vaccinations of AS, there were 6 cases of thrombosis in women aged 18 to 48 due to thrombocytopenia. Were these ladies treated for other diseases, were they taking contraceptives, had vein diseases? We don’t know that.

Textbooks on thrombosis talk about the correlation between the contraceptive drug and the formation of thrombosis …

Yes. We do not know, however, whether the ladies who took contraceptives, e.g. did not sit with a leg tucked under the other leg, or were disgusted with drinking water, were not sick with something. Drugs are there to be used. Each woman who takes birth control drugs should have her clotting system checked. Check for abnormal levels of Protein S, Protein C, Factor V Leiden. Could these defects be the cause of thrombosis? The answer is yes. The same is true for vaccinations. In addition, we will have full knowledge about SARS-CoV-2 maybe in a year or maybe in a few years. I would add that the Spanish woman caused the death of nearly 50 million people. In turn, Ebola recognized in a small area was quickly mastered. 2 people died from this disease.

  1. Thrombosis can be a side effect of many medications. What kind?

AstraZeneca vaccine. What are the contraindications?

In mid-March, many countries around the world decided to temporarily suspend Astra Zeneca vaccination after deaths in people who had previously received the vaccine. Vaccinated people have experienced side effects of unusual blood clots with low blood platelet counts. We know that there is a group of patients who are advised not to vaccinate with Astra Zeneca is quite well defined …

These are patients with varicose veins, a history of thrombotic events, obese patients, after surgery on the heart, arterial and venous vessels, with neoplastic disease. The biggest killer in pancreatic cancer is thrombosis. The mortality rate is 33 percent. However, these people cannot be blocked from being vaccinated just because they are sick or after surgery. These high-risk groups will grow wider and more numerous. Between the end of World War II and today, the increase in life expectancy is almost doubling for women, and for men it has increased by 35 percent. Men now live around 73 years and women over 84 years. In the book “Black Garden”, we can read what the average life in Silesia looked like in the rich commune of Nikiszowiec. In 1921 she was 18 years old, and in 1938 – 18 years old. Then the main cause of death, especially in children, was tuberculosis, not thrombosis. At that time, four or five children died in each family.

  1. A breakthrough in medicine. An effective vaccine for malaria, one of the world’s deadliest diseases, has emerged

Women taking birth control pills, smokers, obese people are at an increased risk of thrombosis. Do you think that these people should be tested before receiving the vaccine to exclude possible complications after vaccination?

This would be too much of a burden on the health budget. Overweight is common, smoking – I smoke because I like it. As many as 40 percent of children are obese. In the 50s – 60s, children ran thin, there was no television, cellular telephony and computers. In the class, one or two children were obese. It is sad that girls’ beauty is now moving towards Latin America. In addition, lockdown limits our physical activity. The biggest misfortune for a child is not going to school, for an employee not going to work. When working at home, don’t always drink the right amount of water, sit on the right chairs and move your legs.

Vaccination against COVID-19. Should I Take Medication Before Vaccination?

Professor, is it possible to take drugs against thrombosis, eg heparin, before vaccination? Is it dangerous?

Currently, the highest mortality rate is among people with cardiovascular diseases. I can’t give a percentage here. I think that at least a million to one and a half million people after coronary or peripheral bypasses, after implantation of a pacemaker, a pacemaker, must take anti-thrombotic drugs. Consequently, it is difficult to treat this group negatively and not to vaccinate it. Heparin is, in my opinion, one of the most miraculous drugs. I know for sure that it works. However, it is readily replaced with a tablet. Research shows that one drug, such as aspirin, blocks around 60-70 percent of the platelets, and two drugs, aspirin and clopidogrel, block 90 percent of the platelets. Because I have had a heart attack and am taking anticoagulant medication, am I not vaccinated? Not! I should definitely be careful about my body weight.

  1. Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, J&J – what are the side effects?

It will be more difficult for an obese person to maintain hygiene. It won’t be easy for her to tie her shoes. Besides, she will not want to be physically active. Movement will tire her. Remember that there are two simplest factors when it comes to the definition of life. It is movement and water. Obese and old people don’t want to change that. They come to me neglected and do not want to be treated. They say: you know, I am not afraid of the hospital, I am afraid of COVIDA. Therefore, diseases such as: atherosclerosis, cancer, make crazy progress and havoc in their bodies. Therefore, people should be encouraged to be physically active. I do not understand the government’s decision to close the forests. How is a family of four living on 40 square meters supposed to function if there is no possibility of going out and moving even in a forest or park?

This may interest you:

  1. What is thrombosis? Doctor about possible connection with AstraZeneki vaccine
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