On March 2, the presidential elections took place. Why did we, people with such different views on life, on the structure of society and on our future, vote knowing the outcome (and not even doubting it)? Word to our experts.
«Feel your own importance»
Ekaterina Kadieva, family psychotherapist. “The desire, no matter what, to take an active position on the issue of elections is the need to control everything that is directly or indirectly related to our lives. Only by taking a direct part in this or that important event (even if its meaningful and logically justified boycott becomes the form of this participation), we can feel that something still depends on our decision, that we have not lost the levers of influence on the world around us, and thereby confirm the value and significance of one’s own personality.
«Find the logic inside the farce»
Ekaterina Dubovskaya, social psychologist. “The current political situation, in which the outcome of the vote is de facto predetermined, is utterly absurd and thus resembles a farce. However, existing inside a farce is always uncomfortable. In this regard, our natural need is to find at least some logic inside the absurdity and take a position that would give us the opportunity to preserve our self-esteem, would correspond to our internal idea of ourselves and would not run counter to the attitudes and values accepted inside reference group.
“Our expectations are more than real changes in the country”
Hakob Nazaretyan, social psychologist. “Most of us need peace and stability, and therefore, naturally, we support the leadership that has ensured a stable situation in the country. What is more interesting is that, at the same time, the number of dissatisfied people is also growing noticeably. In political psychology, this phenomenon is called the James Davis effect. When the situation in any area (say, in the material sphere) improves, there is an outstripping growth of expectations and needs, and dissatisfaction grows with them. This effect, by the way, preceded revolutionary situations in all countries.