According to the expert, the desire to find the perfect abs can lead to serious consequences.
The chief physician of the medical center of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Alexei Churshin, warned women against excessive love for power loads on the abdominal muscles. The expert is sure that a strong desire to find beautiful “cubes” can lead to serious problems with women’s health, namely, disruptions in the menstrual cycle, as well as problems with fertility and psyche.
“Often there is a hormonal imbalance in the direction of relative hyperandrogenism – the predominance of the activity of male sex hormones, when a woman’s figure and skin can resemble a man’s,” the specialist noted. Churshin also added that the coveted “cubes” are not typical for the female physique of women, even not all athletes, according to the doctor, have them.
Bigorexia, “inverse anorexia”: passion for muscles and fear of fat
Earlier, Dr. Kevin Hall from Boston University noted that the complete disappearance of the fatty layer in the female body definitely indicates serious hormonal disorders. Estrogen, which is responsible for the development of eggs in the ovaries, accumulates in the subcutaneous fat.
According to a study by Hall, out of 20 female athletes aged 17 to 27 who competed in bodybuilding competitions, only one had a regular menstrual cycle.
11 girls complained about constant interruptions and delays, and 2 said that they did not remember at all when the last time they had their period.
With regard to physical activity during pregnancy, experts note the following: the muscles of the press, which have undergone intensive training for many years, according to doctors from the Center for Sports Medicine at the University of Munich, during the growth of the fetus often resist stretching and can provoke early termination of pregnancy.
Scientists from the University of California at Davis have also conducted a study of the physical health of female athletes between 30 and 35 years old. Medical tests were carried out for three years, during which the state of health of the athletes was recorded before pregnancy and after they returned to their previous training. As it turned out, in 8 women out of 10, a few weeks after returning to their former physical activity, prolapse was diagnosed – prolapse of internal organs.
According to experts, women should not perceive fat as a threat, as it is essential for our body.