Why cooks never defrost meat in the microwave

And not only meat, but also poultry and any other products.

A microwave is a very useful thing in the household. In it, you can reheat food in seconds, and very quickly cook porridge, omelet, muffin. In general, despite the debate about whether the microwave oven is harmful to our health, it is unlikely that it will leave our kitchens in the near future. Even chefs do not hesitate to cook in the microwave. But there is one feature that professionals never use. Yes, it’s defrosting. 

“I don’t use this feature even when I’m totally desperate,” admits chef and author of four cookbooks, Christie Bernardo.

The thing is that defrosting in the microwave does not work as usual, when the product simply thaws at room temperature.

“The general idea is that when defrosting, the oven can start cooking food by heating it from the outside around the edges,” explains chef and blogger Rachel Hardy, who launched her own spice brand.

Moreover, while the edges of the food will begin to bake under the influence of microwave heat, the core may remain cold. As a result, we get poorly thawed chicken or meat, and even with different temperatures inside. These foods are even more difficult to prepare.

According to the chefs, nothing has been invented better than natural defrosting. Ideally, transfer the frozen piece from the freezer to the refrigerator overnight. If time is running out, pour cold water into a bowl and put the product in it. 

“It’s going to go faster that way than if you naturally thawed meat,” says Rachel Hardy. 

But the water should be exactly cold, not warm, otherwise bacteria will begin to multiply on meat or poultry. As for fish, it is not advised to defrost it even in water: there is a risk that after accelerated thawing the fish will begin to creep into fibers. 

Alas, not everything is subject to the microwave, but there are hidden superpowers in it that you might not know about. They are all described in this article.

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