Why cold water is served with coffee: briefly and clearly

The combination of a cup of black coffee with a small glass of cold water, which has become an unshakable classic of the genre for many connoisseurs, arose at the turn of the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries in the hot climate of the Eastern Mediterranean. Almost a hundred years later, the militant Turks, unable to overcome the impregnable bastions of Vienna besieged by them, willy-nilly introduced the inhabitants of Central Europe to a previously unknown way of drinking coffee.

Two traditions

Modern coffee lovers have received two different traditions of savoring their favorite drink with cold water: pragmatic – Mediterranean and sophisticated – Viennese.

  1. In the first case, a glass of spring water is drunk in small sips after emptying the coffee cup, which allows the visitor to the coffee shop to refresh himself somewhat.

  2. In the second, both drinks are sipped in turn, allowing the gourmet to cleanse his taste buds before each new sip of coffee and keeping his perception sharp until the end of his favorite action.

Medical feasibility

Drinking coffee in tandem with water, both in the first and in the second case, is not only a source of additional pleasure, but also allows you to significantly reduce the risks that any coffee lover may face sooner or later.

First of all, this reduces the concentration of caffeine in the body. Accordingly, the likelihood of an excessive increase in pressure caused by the aforementioned substance decreases, as well as an increase in heart rate, often turning into tachycardia.

In addition, water washes away dark coffee plaque from the teeth, preventing it from eating into tooth enamel. Thanks to this circumstance, lovers of an invigorating drink get the opportunity to maintain the whiteness of their teeth for a long time.

A few words about water

Of course, it is best to serve spring water with coffee, or at least carefully filtered water. At the same time, it can even be carbonated or mineral; of course, if its mineral composition does not violate the overall taste range. Lovers of sour, without any fear, can squeeze a little lemon juice into a glass.

Finally, as for making coffee, it is preferable to use the softest water, which allows the taste qualities of the oriental drink to be revealed with the greatest possible brightness.

Relevance: 09.12.2017

Tags: Tips and life hacks

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