Why coffee should not be drunk with cakes

As it turned out, if you drink coffee after eating a fatty meal, then the blood glucose level rises 65 percent more than if you do not mix one with the other. This was found by scientists at the University of Guelph in Canada, conducting an honest experiment: first, they fed the subjects with fatty foods, then they gave them coffee and measured their blood sugar levels. Then the results were compared with the measurements of those who did not drink coffee after meals.

“Therefore, people with diabetes should avoid drinking coffee. The maximum that you can afford is non-caffeinated drinks. They also need to limit their intake of saturated fatty acids found in red meat, instant meals, processed foods, ”said study author Marie-Soleil Baudua.

Well, in addition to the increased risk of earning diabetes mellitus, the combination of fatty foods and coffee is dangerous with elementary weight gain: due to a sharp surge in blood glucose, a person feels hunger again faster. But if you drink coffee without combining it with sweet or fatty, then it helps to lose weight: two cups a day reduces the risk of obesity in women.

By the way, this is not the only mistake we make, and thereby destroy all the benefits of an invigorating drink. There are others.

Storing coffee directly in the bag

As soon as the pack of coffee is opened – it doesn’t matter whether it is ground or grain – you need to pour it into an airtight jar. Otherwise, it does not just lose its aroma: when exposed to air, oxidative processes begin in coffee, the number of free radicals increases, and in order to cope with them, antioxidants are consumed – as a result, you get less of these same antioxidants.

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