why children shouldn’t drink coffee

A gastroenterologist named three reasons why it is better to keep your favorite morning drink away from children …

Mothers will not let them lie that every child at least once begged to try coffee … Since we, adults, buy into colored plastic cups, then for children it is even more interesting than any toy.

But, as it turned out, even instant coffee and a drink with milk are harmful to an immature organism.

Scientists have studied how just one cup of cappuccino affects children from 6 years old during the day. After even a small circle, they became hyperactive, and in the evening – sluggish and lack of initiative …

In other words, the entire available reserve of vitality, intended for the whole day, is wasted in 3-4 hours. In addition, coffee is addictive, and therefore it will not be so easy to refuse a new portion to a child.

“It all depends on the individual patient, but in general, coffee is not recommended for many adults. This drink simply causes an upset stomach, says Irina Lobasheva, a gastroenterologist. – Now imagine what effect the drink will have on an unformed organism. An increase in blood pressure is possible. The drink affects the nervous system and can cause increased excitability, and finally, coffee can cause sleep disturbances and children may wake up several times during the night. At what age can you drink coffee? Everything is individual, but I will name the age at 16 … And if you have already decided to introduce coffee into your diet, then it is better to do it gradually, so that the body has time to get used to it. “


Do you give your child coffee?

  • With milk, once a week!

  • Only after a hearty breakfast and in a cafe

  • The maximum I can give you a sip from my glass …

  • Trying to suggest better tea or juice

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