Why cats don’t take root in the house: veterinarian, psychic

Taking and bringing a kitten home – what could be easier. However, the fact that you have warmed the animal does not mean that it will stay with you.

“Never again will I have a cat,” Olya sobbed. She really does not work out with her pets: one kitty died of cancer, another cat escaped, the third fell ill with some kind of terrible infection. Olya mourned him now. How is it that some people have 20 cats in their house without any care, while others die, even though they are cared for and cherished? This is what Wday.ru tried to find out.

Esotericists say that cats are good at sensing sources of wrong energy. Lie on a sore spot in humans, for example, there were even stories when cats recognized cancer in humans. In the same way, pets feel the aura of the house.

There may be a clot of negative energy in the room, which will prevent your cat from staying with you. Or maybe your home is located in areas with low natural energy.

“You need to look at where the house stands and what was here before it. What happened in this apartment or house before you moved in? At this place there could be a cemetery, a prison, or maybe the priests atone for sins, and then once, and a house was built. The old walls were demolished, but the energy-informational field remained and affects the residents, “says Anton Ivanov, specialist in places of power, leading expert of the Happiness of Life International Development Center.

A cat may not like the energy of the house so much that it will leave. Or, on the contrary, he will be the first to take the blow of negativity, fall ill and die.

“The energy impact is divided into natural and human. Where the house is located in places with a strong natural energy, most often everything will be quite well for itself. And the animals will take root, ”adds our expert.

Our ancestors were also sure that cats see and feel more than humans. It was believed that purrs can even communicate with brownies. Moreover, the brownie can turn into a cat himself! Therefore, these animals are very important for the home. And if the cat does not take root, it means that the brownie is angry or offended at the owners. By the way, this is not the only sign that your brownie is unhappy with life. The spirit can show its resentment in different ways.

And in the old days it was said that a cat may not be in the yard. At the same time, they meant that the color of the pet may not be suitable for the house. On different forums, people share stories that only ginger cats could not get accustomed to them, but tricolor cats lived well, or striped cats left, but a gray baby feels great.

Cats are very sensitive to the coldness of their owners. If one of the household members does not like the animal, then there is a chance that the pet will not take root. After all, he is a living being who needs love, affection and care no less than children.

“Of course cats need to communicate with the owner. Although there are those who are against it. For cats, anything can be stressful: the appearance of a new family member, animals, change of food, litter for the litter box. Many cannot tolerate other animals, children, ”says Anastasia Favstova, future veterinarian, specialist of the Department of Methods of Radiological Diagnostics and Neurology of the IVC MBA.

In addition, do not discount the diseases that often catch cats. For example, various fungi and infections – they are often to blame for the fact that pets that are taken into the house after the death of the old one die. If such a misfortune happens, the apartment needs to be thoroughly washed and, if possible, disinfected. And, of course, nothing “inherited” to the new cat will not be left.

And cats are also quite finicky.

“It is very important for cats that they have enough resources: bowls, food, water, trays, various devices – houses, shelves, scratching posts. There should also be enough space in the house, ”adds Anastasia Favstova.

Although in comparison with the first point, all this material luxury is not so important. After all, cats are capable of unthinkable devotion, if the owner truly loves them.

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