Why Cats Are Better Than Dogs: 10 Reasons

Why Cats Are Better Than Dogs: 10 Reasons

Nothing personal, just facts!

It is unlikely that it will ever be possible to put an end once and for all in this dispute between cats and dogs. And is it really necessary? Both are beautiful in their own way. But in some things, cats are more beautiful.

1. For a cat, you are special

Evil tongues say that cats love us only because we feed them. However, a study of the behavioral processes of the purr found out that interaction with a person is more important for them than food, games, and even catnip. And in terms of friendliness – dogs can show it to everyone, and for a cat, the owner is a special person. If she climbed into your lap, it means that she showed special trust in you. You are unique to her.

2. They are cheaper to maintain

You can’t argue with that. Cats just eat less. Yes, there are small breeds of dogs that are three times smaller than any normal cat, but food for them is usually more expensive. Besides, they always need something: clothes, an unscheduled visit to the veterinarian. By the way, dogs even harm the environment more: the production of goods for “best friends” leaves a much more noticeable carbon footprint in the environment than cat joy.

3. Cats live longer

And this is very important, first of all, for the owner. After all, parting with a pet is very difficult. This is sometimes just as difficult to survive as the loss of a loved one. Domestic cats live on average 13–17 years. And dogs – 10-13. Although there are champions among both those and others, nevertheless, in terms of longevity, cats set records more often.

4. Cats make you smarter

As it turned out in numerous tests, cat owners are smarter than dog owners. Purr hobbyists score better on exams and tests, according to a study by Carroll University. On the other hand, dog owners are more social and outgoing, but that’s another question.

5. There is less cleaning behind them

Wool, yes. Tray, agree. But they do not need to wash their paws at least twice a day after walking. They won’t stomp on the floor. Do not drag a bitted bone onto the bed. Even when they eat, they leave less mess behind them – for the sake of interest, scientists somehow observed how much spray remains on the floor after the dog drinks from his bowl, and how much after the cat. And guess who lost. And yes – cats do not need to be washed. They themselves cope with this task.

6. Cats do not make noise …

No, well, not that they don’t make any noise at all. Of course, they stomp when they are attacked by an irresistible desire to run around the apartment, dropping everything in their path. But the neighbors will never complain about you for the fact that the cat barked loudly at night or while you are not at home during the day. They don’t howl, don’t growl, and don’t make any noise at all.

7. … and don’t smell

For example, a wet dog. The smell of wet dog hair will make anyone pinch their nose. And dogs usually smell much worse than cats’ mouths – so they are advised to brush their teeth. At least cats don’t try to lick your face.

8. They don’t need to be walked

Some dogs too. But only a few. In addition, a cat litter box looks more aesthetically pleasing anyway than a diaper decorated with a dog gift on the floor in the hallway. In most cases, you have to trudge out into the street in any weather, no matter how you feel. And you definitely need to have a bag with you in order to remove the dog from the street. Of course, if you are a well-mannered person. Well, a cat can even be taught to walk in a human toilet.

9. Cats are more often taken from shelters and from the street

Dogs in 34 percent of cases are taken from a kennel – not from a shelter. But the purebred cats, which were bought from breeders, are much smaller, only about three percent. Most of the kittens end up in human homes from the streets, from shelters, or when distributed “into good hands.”

10. They were once gods

Remember Ancient Egypt: cats were worshiped there as early as 3000 BC. The sphinxes alone are worth something. And the Egyptians were not the only ones who considered cats to be divine beings: in the Mayan culture there are references to the jaguar gods, in Hinduism there is a sacred tigress, and in Bali they worshiped a lion-headed deity. However, there is also something divine about domestic cats. Or at least regal.

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