Why can’t a man live without alcohol or drugs?

Today we will talk about a very serious topic related to addiction to alcohol or drugs. And this topic is one of the most important in the life of any person, because each of us has come across addicted people, or he himself suffers from this problem. I spent more than one year trying to figure out this problem. I had to analyze, study, compare, communicate very deeply in order to answer one seemingly simple question: “why does a person become addicted to alcohol or drugs?” I am sure that this article will help you find answers to all your questions. And if questions suddenly remain, I will definitely answer them in the comments.

Why can’t a man live without alcohol or drugs?

I would like to say one thing right away that no medicines, encodings and other miraculously effective drugs will ever help an addicted person. If everything were so simple, I took a pill and everything went away, then millions of people around the world would not suffer from addiction. Those stories: “about Uncle Vasya, who has been coded and has not been drinking for 10 years”, have very exceptional, isolated cases, and why they manage to stay sober, I will explain below.

Why do men drink?

I’d be happy to answer this question in one sentence and not take up much of your time, but I’m afraid that’s not possible. A man, like any other, needs self-realization, it is important for him to have a good job, a decent salary, to move up the career ladder. If a man does not receive this, his need is not saturated. And what do we know of a good tool for satiating needs? That’s right: «It’s alcohol or drugs,» temporarily makes a person feel satisfied. I don’t see much difference at all between alcohol, drugs or computer games, because they have one goal, to take a person away from the essential reality, to one where everything is fine and the person feels self-fulfilled. I don’t think that I discovered America with this, so I ask you to be patient and read this article to the end.


Why can’t a man live without alcohol or drugs?

In order to understand why a man uses, he first needs to answer one seemingly simple question: What do I need? Or what am I missing? What are the general needs, I give below:

  • Physiological needs — hunger, thirst, sleep, sex, etc.
  • The need for security — security, confidence, stability, comfort.
  • Social needs — communication, attention, care, support.
  • The need for respect and recognition — the need, significance, self-respect.
  • Creative needs — creativity, creation, knowledge, discovery.
  • Aesthetic needs — love, joy, harmony, beauty.
  • Spiritual needs — personal growth, development, self-knowledge, self-realization, self-actualization

Any of the above needs can be temporarily sated with alcohol or drugs. By the way: “why are women less likely to be addicted than men?”. Because women know how to saturate these needs in a healthy way. If they need communication, they call their girlfriends. If they feel bad, they cry, do not keep in themselves. Only men keep all this negativity in themselves, press it inside, do not let it out until this cannon, pressed with gunpowder, fires at some coin … It is very important, if you are an addicted person, write down for yourself the needs that you need, try to feed them in a healthy, healthy way. For example, if you are single, look for friends or a soul mate, communicate, do not withdraw into yourself. And so, for every need. By the way, this is what distinguishes that encoded Uncle Vasya, who has not been drinking for 10 years, from those who cannot cope with addiction in any way. Uncle Vasya begins to live a different life, a new job, new acquaintances, friends, love, bought a car, etc. In a word, he begins to live new and does not wait for the coding period to finally end in order to take up the old again. Do not be afraid to change your life, if something does not suit you, you should not endure it, feel free to change, you need to feel comfortable.

Mental problems.

As one psychologist friend of mine said: “We are all disabled children.” The fact is that the biggest role in the psychological health of a person is childhood. For example: in childhood, at one moment a dog chased you, you were very scared and now this fear will most likely come up, in similar situations, until the end of your life. It is important for an addicted person to look very deeply into his childhood in order to understand what he most needs now, what was missing there most of all, most likely it is still missing now. For example, in childhood, a future man did not receive proper attention and did not feel love from his parents, this can very often make you feel:

  • Loneliness
  • abandoned
  • Uselessness

If you were laughed at at school, at bad clothes or appearance:

  • Humiliation
  • inferiority
  • Inferiority
  • Insolvency

Very important any person to understand what he feels and what he needs, so as not to live in the illusions of deceit, but to saturate his needs correctly. Each of us had a different childhood, and deviations in psychological health were formed in different ways. Someone needs love, care and attention more, someone needs self-realization, creativity, security, etc. Old grievances, discontent and dissatisfaction do not disappear anywhere, the dependent person needs to sort them out.


Why can’t a man live without alcohol or drugs?

In this article, I tried to very briefly state my thoughts about: “Why can’t a man live without alcohol or drugs?”. I will continue to write on this topic and hope to help at least someone, get out of this world of illusions and fill this life with real, natural colors. Leave your questions and comments, what do you think about this? I will answer everyone.

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