Why burn bay leaves at home during the coronavirus

People have believed in its miraculous properties for a long time – and not without reason.

Laurel is a very interesting plant. Its leaves are not only a spice that is added to pilaf or jellied meat. They also have a calming and stimulating effect. Laurel scent removes sense of anxiety and gets rid of depressed state, whom many met during isolation (by the way, when it ends – read HERE). The perfume components and essential oils contained in it have useful properties:

  • eugenol raises immunity and helps get rid of toxins; 

  • cineole cleans the air from bacteria, serves as a good prevention against colds and gives strength.

The aroma from burning bay leaves contributes to relaxation and strengthening of the immune system. It can be used to combat chronic fatigue and during meditation – good activity for the time of self-isolation.

By the way, the ancient Greeks have a legend about how Daphne turned into a flexible laurel when she was tired of the love pursuits of Apollo. After that, the belief that the laurel is the personification of morality and purity was entrenched.

Also the plant gives energy charge, helps focus attention and improves brain function… Psychologists say that even while sitting at home, it is necessary to maintain efficiency, and not spend hours on the couch in a sleepy state.

The smell of bay leaves will help get rid of the appeared mucus and phlegm in the airways and relieve inflammation… Note that instead of burning the plant, it can be immersed in hot water and inhaled.

In addition to useful properties, bay leaf has a wide range of magical qualities.

The magical properties of bay leaves

  • Fulfills desires

Take a bay leaf and write your wish on it with a pencil. Concentrate on the process. Then put it in a bowl and light it, and spread the ashes outside the window. There is a second way to attract positivity. Rub the lavrushka with the written desire well with your palms, then put it in your notebook and forget about the ritual. You will see pleasant changes in your life within two weeks.

  • Protects the house

If you feel that negative energy is present in the apartment, lay out a sheet in each corner and niches. Not only will the atmosphere be discharged, but you will also feel a pleasant aroma. You can also place four cross-shaped sheets under the doormat. He will protect the home from robbers.

  • Protects from nightmares

Lavrushka will save you from bad dreams if you put a few leaves under your pillow.

  • Brings good luck

Instead of the usual horseshoe, you can hang a laurel amulet. Tie five to seven leaves with a red thread or ribbon and hang them over the front doors to the apartment.

  • Multiplies money

Place five pieces of laurel leaves together and apply a few drops of peppermint oil to them. Hang in the place where you keep your money.

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