Beetles and larvae are very voracious and will gladly cleanse the area of aphids, cruciferous fleas, scale insects, scale insects, thrips, and ticks. 10 square meters will need from 100 to 500 insects, depending on the degree of infestation.
Ladybugs will come to you in linen bags, early in the morning you will need to hang them in the trees or in the greenhouse.
The larvae of pests (more often butterflies and moths) are killed – cabbage whites, moths, meadow and corn moths, winter and cabbage scoops, gooseberry sawfly.
They are bought at the rate of 1 insect per 10 plants or 1 g per hundred square meters. Riders are packaged in sachets from 1 to 20 g (1 g contains 80 thousand individuals). Packages are placed in a warm room for 3-5 days. Released in warm, windless weather.
Predatory bug (macrolofus)
Protects against whiteflies, aphids, thrips and miner larvae. Effective on plantings of sweet peppers, cucumbers, eggplants, beans, tomatoes, potatoes), roses, chrysanthemums, fruit trees.
One package will be enough to handle 10 square meters. Supplied in cups.
In the morning or in the evening, you need to open the lid of the container and put it at the center of the pests, the insects themselves will come out onto the plant.