
It is customary to treat unmarried women over thirty with sympathy. Journalist Erin Nicole does not share this attitude. She compiled a list of eight benefits of single life for such women.

When it comes to an unmarried thirty-year-old man, we see many advantages in his position. Another thing is an unmarried woman. Many of us tend to sympathize with her. The reason for this is the stereotypes laid down by society. It’s time to destroy them. If you are not married, you have many reasons to be happy.

You can walk anywhere

Everyone has acquaintances who do not appear alone in society. For any outing they need a partner. Often this is typical for women who have been in a relationship for a long time and are not used to a different alignment.

If you are single in your thirties, finding a companion to attend events can be difficult. You get used to going to cafes, movies, birthdays, friends’ weddings and other parties alone, and that’s good.

Life is long and unpredictable. You will find the right partner if you want, but there will also be periods of loneliness. This will not scare you, unlike the women from the lovebird couples.

You can make the right friends

Before 30, our choice of friends is largely determined by circumstances. With some we studied together, with others we worked, with others we met at a party. As we grow older, many of us become out of our way. In the social circle there is a free place for new acquaintances.

Now you can make friends based on your real interests, and not by coincidence. Of course, you can find them while in a relationship, but friendship requires work, especially in adulthood, a free woman has more opportunities for this.

You find it easier to communicate with men

First, you know yourself much better than you did when you were 20. This means that you now have stricter criteria for selecting candidates. Secondly, there is less chance of meeting a frivolous man who will waste your time in vain (men without serious intentions prefer to date girls in their twenties).

My 24 year old friend met a 40 year old man. He stated that he was «ready to settle down», but later admitted that he «would never date women in their thirties because they only think about marriage.» It all ended sadly for a friend, but, fortunately for you and me, men know that women over thirty do not fall for such tricks.

You explore new areas

Of course, even at 20 you learn a lot. Real adulthood begins at XNUMX, when your girlfriends can’t help you as often as they used to. If you are single, you have to figure out a lot of things that partners help others with.

A friend of mine recently bought a house herself. She made money on it herself, chose among many options, figured out legal issues, this gave her strength and self-confidence.

you travel freely

I recently invited a married friend to Spain for a music festival where a friend of ours was to perform. Previously, she willingly traveled the world, her answer surprised me. She said she couldn’t break loose and leave. Now that she has become a wife and mother, everything has to be planned in advance.

Holidays with family are attractive. But, in my opinion, this can not be compared with the feeling of freedom when you can pack a suitcase and fly away with a friend to Tokyo.

You learn from other people’s mistakes

Perhaps you were jealous of your girlfriends when they got married and had children. But time has saved you from rose-colored glasses. You see their life for what it is. You have to work hard on relationships, make concessions, seek compromises. I’m not saying family isn’t worth it. But, the longer you live alone, the more time you have to realize what you really want from life.

Maybe you thought you wanted kids, but you looked at your girlfriends and now you realize that this is not for you. Or maybe they have seen enough of the material problems of others and realized that financial viability is an important criterion when choosing a partner.

Every day belongs only to you

The luxury of waking up and knowing that you are free to dispose of the day as you please. Perhaps you work in an office and don’t have a free hand in working hours, but the rest of the time is yours. After work, you can go in for sports, read a book, watch a movie, drink wine with a friend, go on a date. Or come home, lie in bed, eat macaroni and cheese, or leaf through a magazine.

Enjoy these moments. One day you will look back and think: why did I complain?

You can easily change your life

Have you heard of a midlife crisis? Most likely, he does not threaten you. If you want to change your life, you have the resources to do so. You are thirty, you are not married, you have money, health and common sense. No need to take into account other people’s needs and interests. As long as that’s the case, do what you’ve always wanted to do.

Source: The Zoe Report.

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