Why aren’t abs showing up?

What is the press, as a result of which cubes are formed in the abdomen. 10 reasons that prevent you from getting an athletic relief body and accumulating fat in unnecessary places.

The press is called the abdominal muscles on the abdomen. The so-called cubes are formed by the rectus muscle, divided into sectors with the help of tendons. There are also transverse, external oblique and internal oblique muscles. Everyone initially has a press, only it can be hidden by adipose tissue. The American Council on Exercise (ACE) concluded that the body looks athletic, acquires those same cubes in the case when a man has about 6-13% body fat, and a woman has 14-20%.

Long-term training may not always give the desired result. To get cubes, you need to exercise not only the press, but also the rest of the muscles. And also do not forget about a healthy diet, the absence of bad habits. Learn to drink plenty of water and be loyal to yourself in diets. This will allow you to feel good both physically and psychologically, while burning excess fat and shaping the body of your dreams. See also: How to overcome the “plateau effect”?

10 reasons preventing the appearance of the desired press cubes

As you already understood, for the appearance of a visible press, you must not only work hard, but also burn fat. Here are 10 reasons that are an obstacle to achieving your dreams. Test yourself: if at least one is present in your life, it will be difficult to achieve a solid relief press.

1. Wrong exercises

Each person has a different development of the abdominal muscle. So it is likely that the press is not visible due to the lack of muscle mass on the abdomen, if you do not need to lose weight and get rid of fat. Do ab exercises and squats with dumbbells.

2. Not enough water in the diet

Dehydration leads to muscle flabbiness. Drink at least 10 glasses of purified water every day. Eat less salt so that water does not stay in the body. After 2-3 days, changes will already be noticeable both in appearance and in well-being.

3. Sleep neglect

If you forget about sleep, do not rest every day for at least 7 hours, then you can forget not only about the press cubes, but also about your health in general. When a person sleeps little, his body produces cortisol – the same hormone that provokes an increase in fat mass. So for the appearance of a relief press, it is not enough to exhaust yourself with training – you need to go to bed on time.

4. Prolonged diets

Many people believe that low-carb diets will help you lose weight quickly. There is some truth in this: excess fat will really go away quickly. But if such a diet is delayed, the hormones that are responsible for burning fat will cease to be released. And all because the body no longer receives the right amount of fat. As a result, the metabolism becomes slow, and when you decide not to be on a diet anymore, the weight will jump up dramatically. Along with exercise and diet, try to consume carbohydrate foods at least 1-2 times a week – this will allow you to keep a reasonable balance.

5. Obsession with cubes

Many go to the gym just to get the cubes. Do not focus on the abdominal muscle: if you work exclusively with it, you will not be able to burn the maximum calories per workout. It will be correct to pay attention to the cubes after completing the rest of the exercises.

6. Relax

When you get the abs of your dreams, don’t forget to keep in shape. Many simply relax, stop training, eat right and drink plenty of water – as a result, they lose their accumulated results.

7. Stress

Constant stress affects the body in the same way as the lack of sleep. A large amount of cortisol is produced, which “helps” accumulate fat in the abdomen. Review your work, relationships – everything that keeps you stressed in order to bring your nervous system back to normal.

8. Breakdowns

Even the most persistent break down, do not withstand strict diets, regular training. If you’re daydreaming about double fast food, try to think back to the abs you want to get. And be sure to loosen your diet, allow yourself something tasty from time to time so that forbidden food is not so desirable for you.

9. Wrong lifestyle

Before you drink another glass of wine or beer, remember the desire to have beautiful abs. Alcohol slows down the breakdown of fat, which is then deposited just on the stomach. But your goal is not a beer belly, but abs, right?

10. Genetics

If you are genetically predisposed to fullness in the abdomen, then it will be extremely difficult to get cubes. Even if you start to lose weight, your arms and legs will become like thinned ropes, the press will still not be visible. In this case, you should not “work” for the press. Embrace your nature and strengthen your whole body to keep yourself in a beautiful, lean shape. Believe me, the press will appear in any case, the stomach will look toned, and super-dried cubes are not the most important thing in life.

To strengthen the press, it is important to perform simple exercises: twisting, bar, “bike”. But at the same time, do not forget about the right lifestyle, healthy eating. See also: How to create a training program?

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