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The elderly, chronically ill and people with reduced immunity are at risk of severe COVID-19 course and death from it. Young people usually get the infection mildly, although there are also fatalities among them. Scientists test various theories trying to answer the question: why do young people die from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus?
Young People and COVID-19
An early analysis of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of 2449 patients with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus found that 18 percent. of them were aged 45-54, and 29 percent. at the age of 20-44. Among hospitalized people, 18% were patients aged 45-54, and another 20 percent. was aged 20-44.
Younger people are far less likely to die from severe COVID-19 symptoms, but that doesn’t mean there is no such risk. Scientists are trying to answer the question why the body of a young person can react so violently to the infection. They have several theories.
Scientists from the Finnish Institute of Molecular Medicine at the University of Helsinki focused on searching patients’ genomes for genes that may be responsible for the severe course of COVID-19. The discovery could be used to identify those most at risk of severe disease, as well as help in the search for treatments.
Several ongoing projects are looking to analyze and compare the DNA of people with severe COVID-19 infection with those who have mild or asymptomatic disease. The researchers note that the differences may lie in the genes that instruct cells to build the ACE2 receptor. It is thanks to him that the coronavirus “enters” healthy cells and replicates in them.
See also: Ibuprofen Worsens COVID-19 Disease? WHO and the European Medicines Agency take the floor
Scientists will obtain research materials from biobanks. As part of its own research, the British biobank will start collecting data from COVID-19 patients. Italians also expressed their interest in the research – 11 hospitals will take part in the research in their own research group. In the coming months, these and other similar projects could reveal why COVID-19 is a mild disease for some and a deadly disease for others.
Scientists are also looking at how the immune system responds to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. In some young and healthy people, a highly reactive immune system can lead to so-called “Cytokine storm”. This is a potentially lethal immune response that leads to a dangerous elevation of cytokines that stimulate the rest of the immune system to function more.
See also: Prof. Adam Witkowski: Coronavirus is a much stronger threat for heart patients
During a cytokine storm, fluid can pool in the lungs with immune cells, which can lead to blockage of the airways and death.
The fact is that young people are less likely to develop severe symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection. The disease usually passes mildly or even asymptomatically. This can make you think: I am not affected by this disease, I am not susceptible, I am safe. As a result, they can be less urgent about maintaining physical distance and are more likely to be infected with a greater “amount” of coronavirus.
The results from China suggested that severely ill people had higher viral loads than those who had mild disease.
The virus titer is the degree of dilution of the material composed of cells in which the formation of new virus particles occurs, in which the solution still contains the minimum effective dose of virus; the material suspension is diluted geometrically serially (e.g. serial dilutions are 10-fold); is important in the preparation of viral vaccines. (PWN)
“That is why it is so important for us to limit all possible exposures to COVID-19, and if we feel bad, we must strictly follow the rules of isolation to limit our chances of infecting others” – explained Edward Parker of the London School of Hygiene in The Guardian and Tropical Medicine.
Regardless of our age and health, following basic rules such as staying at home if possible, washing your hands frequently, avoiding large groups of people, not touching your face, helps to reduce the spread of the coronavirus and can protect us and our surroundings from getting sick. .
The most important information about the coronavirus:
- Three reasons why we should take the coronavirus pandemic seriously
- How to check if you have been infected with the coronavirus in an asymptomatic way?
- Coronavirus in Poland. Current data
Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers
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