Why are you having prophetic dreams? There is a scientific explanation

Dreams are nothing more than hallucinations that appear during subsequent phases of sleep. Sometimes they are attributed with supernatural, paranormal characteristics. However, this is a normal game on the part of our body. And today we will explain where they come from and what they are needed for.

  1. Human sleep consists of two phases NREM and REM. It is in the second of them that the muscles are completely relaxed (the so-called sleep paralysis) and then we most often dream
  2. When falling asleep or waking up, some people complain that they hear sounds similar to an explosion. It is not known where this comes from. However, some researchers believe it has to do with turning off the conscious part of the brain
  3. Many people believe in the causative power of the so-called prophetic dreams. However, science explains it with the calculus of probability. With a sufficiently large number of attempts, a dream situation, e.g. a phone call from a friend who has not been seen for a long time, may come true
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You sleep soundly when suddenly you dream that you are being chased by a bandit, torturer or a demon. You wake up in your bed in horror and try to get up. However, you do not have the strength, and something disturbing is still going on in the bedroom dead loved ones appear or the roar of an explosion is heard. And after a while everything disappears and you don’t know if you imagined it or was it real. Therefore, in this text we explain what happens to our body when it falls asleep and wakes up, and whether “prophetic dreams” really exist. Please understand.

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How does a man dream?

Researchers estimate that we spend about 33 percent on healthy sleep. our lives, and yet we still do not know everything about how the human body behaves in this state. In every healthy adult human being, sleep consists of two phases NREM and REM. The first is characterized by slow eye movements. In this phase, delta waves of the brain’s electrical activity appear.

The second is the dream of rapid eye movements. This is when the muscles are completely relaxed. This is most likely due to the fact that it is during this phase that realistic dreams occur. You can read more about the sleep stages themselves here. This behavior of the body protects the body in case our body decides to react to sleepiness and is technically known as sleep paralysis. Various sources say that from 5 to over 50 percent. population experiences this phenomenon. Its occurrence is influenced, among others, by stress, trauma, mental difficulties and disease.

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Why are we dreaming?

The answer to this question is ambiguous. Many researchers believe that dreams are designed to organize the contents of the brain. During this time, he segregates and analyzes the events, emotions and reactions from the whole day, as well as eliminates unnecessary elements and records in lasting memory things that may be useful.

A cannon shot

Some people complain that they hear sounds similar to explosions and cannon shots just before falling asleep or shortly after waking up. This is technically known as the “exploding head syndrome”. The causes of the phenomenon and the mechanism of its symptoms have not been known so far. However, the most likely hypothesis is related to the activity of the reticular formation in the brain (the part responsible for consciousness). Most likely the experience of a “bang” occurs when the shutdown of consciousness is slowed down.

  1. Read: Symptoms begin when it is too late. Simple research is enough

A dream call from a friend

All the explanations given are convincing. So how can science explain dreams that show the future? Let’s take the simplest example We dream about a friend we haven’t seen for a long time and calls us the next day. Prediction is one of the functions of the brain. We live because we can anticipate reality a little. This is what happens in normal everyday situations, where the brain comes up with different scenarios and tests them in its sleep.

In other words, the so-called prophetic dreams are coincidences that result from the brain’s analysis of recent events during sleep. Okay, but how do you explain a mysterious phone call from a friend? This is where statistics and probability come in handy. American prof. John Allen Paulos points out that such an event may be surprising, but it is worth counting how many times we dreamed of some people and how many times we met them the next day.

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