Why are we not doing cytology?

Cytology is a test that detects asymptomatic changes that can cause cancer. They can be completely cured as long as they are detected.

Despite the fact that it saves lives and can be performed for free – Polish women do not do cytology. Why? Most are explained by the lack of time or the fear of discovering the disease. Some believe that if they are okay with nothing, they don’t need to test themselves. The translation is completely unfounded, because the purpose of cytology is to detect precancerous conditions that do not give any symptoms, but can be completely cured.

Be European

Gynecologists argue that in most European countries, women very rarely die of cervical cancer because they are treated before the disease develops. In Scandinavia, a few cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed annually, in Poland ten cases a day. A Scandinavian gynecologist may not even see what such a cancer looks like during his entire practice, but if he wants to be educated, he may come to Poland.

The Scandinavians coped with this disease because they managed to cover almost 90% of women with preventive examinations. Meanwhile, every fifth Polish woman has never had a cytology. Every year in our country, about four thousand women develop cervical cancer, and nearly two and a half thousand die.

The fund pays

Cytology performed in an office that does not have a signed contract with the National Health Fund costs about PLN 55. However, you can save this money and have this test done for free as part of the preventive program financed by the National Health Fund. It is aimed at a group of women at the highest risk of this disease, aged 25 to 59, who have not had this test performed in the last three years. You can get a free cytology at any gynecological clinic that has a contract with the National Health Fund. It is enough to report in person or make an appointment by phone. A referral is not needed.

Reluctant Polish women

In order to increase interest in the program, the National Health Fund sends personal invitations to research. This solution proved successful in Denmark, as the personal invitation increased the participation of women in preventive examinations tenfold. For 15 years, Danish ages 30-50 have received such written encouragements. 91 percent of women used them. In Poland, the National Health Fund sent over two million six hundred thousand invitations last year. Only two hundred thousand Polish women took advantage of them, i.e. less than 8%.

Don’t hesitate

Cervical cancer is very insidious and in the first stage it proceeds without disturbing symptoms. Its diagnosis is possible only through cytology. It is a safe and painless examination. The doctor introduces a small plastic brush into the cervical canal, which takes the material for examination. If any disturbing changes are found, the patient is referred for further diagnostics and treatment.

Do not forget

In some countries, Pap smear is a mandatory work test. Not in Poland yet. Doctors suggest that you set a fixed date for a Pap smear. It could be your own or a family member’s birthday. Every woman should have a Pap smear every three years, unless otherwise instructed by her doctor. Remember that it’s best to do it five days before or after your period. You should not have sex for the three days preceding the examination.

Text: Maria Janiszewska

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