Why are ticks dangerous?

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We welcomed the warming of the temperature and spend more and more time outdoors. The growth of the pistil on the thermometer, however, also “rejoices” for ticks that have already started their period of intensive feeding. And although a tick bite is less annoying than a mosquito bite in itself, the former pose a threat in our climate zone, because they transmit dangerous diseases. This does not mean, of course, that we should give up walking, but it is worth finding out as much as possible about the threat.

A threat on a walk, i.e. ticks in the bosom of the nautra

Ticks are commonly associated with a trip to the forest. However, this is a mistake. These little arachnids, in fact they like to stay in the grass and they just as well feel on the ordinary square in the city center. Only when they hunt do they climb overgrown grasses or shrubs, but usually not higher than 70 cm. Consequently, trees are not needed for them to get onto your clothing and from there onto your skin.

Additionally, the problem is that the tick bite is painless. This means that when we come back from a weekend trip, we often forget to examine our body carefully. And the longer the tick remains stuck in the skin, the more likely it is that dangerous pathogens that it can transmit will enter the body. Therefore, we should develop a habit of checking if we did not bring a tick on the skin from the trip.

Going out into the bosom of nature for a longer time, remember about long sleeves and high-top shoes and the use of repellants.

What’s in the tick?

About 10 to 40 percent. ticks can transmit pathogenic microorganisms. However, even a bite through A “healthy” tick, may result in inflammation or an allergic reaction. However, this is the least of your worries, because ticks can be vectors of really dangerous diseases.

Bacterial Lyme disease, which can permanently damage the locomotor system, or tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), which can be fatal in extreme cases, are just the beginning of a long list of diseases that are spread by ticks. This, what pathogens do ticks transmitdepends on what bacteria and viruses are prevalent in your area. For this reason, in Poland, the main threats are Lyme disease and TBE.

Where and when do ticks hunt?

Ticks are a threat from the beginning of spring until the end of autumn. The greatest activity of these arachnids is between June and July. It is worth noting that it registers then up to 80 percent new cases of Lyme disease. During this period, it is always worth protecting yourself against intruders on your skin when you go on a trip outside the city.

Lyme disease is diagnosed in larger areas than TBE.

It is difficult to determine where the greatest number of ticks are, because such studies are not conducted. However, it is possible to indicate areas where tick-borne diseases are the most common, i.e. where there is a wet area (e.g. in deciduous forests with wet undergrowth) and access to hosts (small rodents). Most of such areas are located in the following voivodeships:

  1. Podlasie,
  2. Warmia-Masuria Province,
  3. Mazowieckie.

Who should watch out for ticks?

For obvious reasons, especially vulnerable to disease there are people living in areas where pathogens are widespread. In addition, people who often spend time in nature due to their profession (e.g. foresters) must also be especially careful. Children who take part in colonies and camps are also at risk of being bitten by ticks.

Protective clothing and repellants may not be sufficient, so it is worth getting vaccinated against TBE. Unfortunately, there is no vaccination for Lyme disease, so after a stay in nature, you should carefully look for its symptoms – especially migrating erythema.

The same remark applies to TBE, if we did not use vaccination (no erythema migrans here). The disease takes place in two phases. The examples of the first phase symptoms are unfortunately quite non-specific and resemble flu-related symptoms – fever, headache, muscle pain.


In the event of symptoms following a tick bite, it is worth testing IgM and IgG antibodies in blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid.

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