Why are they forced to take off jewelry and erase a manicure in a maternity hospital?

“Who took it? Why in this form? ” – Barked at the midwives department head, who took my birth. The stern gynecologist meant my jewelry: the chain, earrings and rings remained on me. Even the clock was there. Nobody warned me that there is no place for all these things in the maternity hospital. And it didn’t even occur to me that they might interfere. They are still forced to take off their jewelry in maternity hospitals. Why?

Many are sure that everything is done in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts if something suddenly disappears. But the real reason is not quite that.

Those who went to the martial arts or martial arts section know: the coach will never let you into the gym if you are wearing earrings, rings, chains, and crab hairpins. The maximum is a hair tie. And all this is done for your own safety: in the heat of the fight, you can easily injure yourself or injure your opponent with your own jewelry.

And childbirth is cleaner than any sparring. Therefore, expectant mothers are “exposed” – for the sake of all the same safety. The point is not only that a chain, bracelet or even a ring can catch on to something and get hurt. During childbirth and even after, severe edema may begin. And removing the ring can be problematic.

However, the pectoral cross and the wedding ring often remain with mom: there is no desire to part with the first, and the second is often simply impossible to remove.

Jewelry is not all that you have to part with before giving birth. And no, we’re not talking about an intimate hairstyle now. Most maternity hospitals strongly advise getting rid of manicure. That is, you can put your nails in order. But varnish – in no case. The fact is that doctors assess the condition of a woman, including by the color of her nails. If they turn blue, then emergency measures are needed. You can’t see the color under varnish. Well, and the fact that nails should be short is understandable.

By the way, in Russia, jewelry was always removed from women in childbirth. And not only them: they had to part with all the surrounding objects. The hair was necessarily loosened – it was believed that this way a woman would give birth more easily. Maybe our ancestors intuitively felt that everything was for a reason?

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