Why are there a lot of flies in the house, how to get rid of

Flies are not only annoying buzzing insects. They are carriers of dangerous diseases. Therefore, when there are too many flies in the house, you need to figure out what could be the reason for such an invasion, and immediately begin to fight them by all available means.

When there are a lot of flies in the house, you urgently need to find and eliminate what attracts them there.

If you do not identify what exactly attracts flies, all measures to combat them will be a waste of time and effort. Therefore, first of all, you need to carefully examine the housing, and especially the kitchen, for what flies like.

Insects can attract:

  • Easily accessible food. This can be crumbs on the table, a bowl of jam, fruit, food in a bowl from a cat or dog.
  • Unwashed dishes in the sink.
  • Food waste in a loosely closed bucket.

All this is an excellent bait for flies and even a breeding ground. Therefore, all food should be removed immediately after eating, the bucket with garbage should be tightly closed, and it is better not to keep waste from fruits and vegetables in the house at all. Having eliminated everything that attracts insects to the house, you can start exterminating those that have already flown in.

Of course, exterminating flies, it is better to try to do without toxic drugs. Especially if there are children or pets in the house. There are many eco-friendly fly control methods.

In addition to the familiar fly swatter and sticky tape, you can try other ways to get rid of flies:

  • During the day, tightly close all the windows in the house, making a kind of darkening. Leave the front door or one window open. The flies will head towards the light and leave the house. You can speed up the process and give them direction by waving a towel.
  • Flies do not like the smell of wormwood, mint, basil, tansy. By placing branches of these plants in all rooms, you can ward off these annoying insects for a long time.
  • Fill your home with lavender, clove or mint scent by dripping a few drops of essential oil into the vaporizer of your aroma lamp.
  • An effective fly poison that is non-toxic to humans is black pepper. You need to make sweet sugar syrup, add black ground pepper to it and arrange this mixture in saucers around the house.

Having got rid of insects, you need to protect yourself from their penetration in the future. To do this, hang anti-mosquito nets or at least rustling foil curtains on windows and doors. However, the netting is more effective because it protects not only from flies, but also from mosquitoes.

Even if there are a lot of flies in the house, knowing how to get rid of them without resorting to dangerous poisons, you can easily solve this problem.

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