Why are the lost pounds coming back?

The battle for harmony at the end of the diet does not end: in 95% of cases, the weight returns, and often even increases. How to solve this problem?

Here is what dietitian, M.D. Mikhail Ginzburg advises:

“When we embark on the path of weight loss, we want to get results as quickly and for a longer period of time, finally forgetting all the ill-fated diets that bring so many restrictions,” says Mikhail Moiseevich. – But miracles do not happen. Weight is the result of a lifestyle. And when we go on a strict diet, limiting ourselves in everything, the body begins to “storm”. And as soon as we return to our usual way of life, we inevitably gain these kilograms again.

According to statistics, 95% of those who have lost weight get better again within the next year. The reason is trivial: having lost weight and having achieved the desired result, people, with joy, return to their old way of life. Well, how not to pamper yourself with your favorite dishes and delicacies after experiencing gastronomic hardships? Therefore, when going on a diet, you need to understand that this is not a short-term exercise – you need to deal with weight all your life.

When a person loses weight, it happens due to fat and muscle, and gains weight, alas, only due to fat. The most common question of those losing weight is: “How long does it take to go on a diet for the body to get used to the new weight?” The body will never get used to the new weight itself! In order for the weight not to return, you must follow a number of simple rules, and all your life.

The very first rule of losing weight and maintaining a normal weight is daily weighing and weight control. Paradoxical as it may sound, practice shows that daily weighing helps to control weight better than adhering to a lifelong diet. We weighed ourselves in the morning – and already understand what’s what, what we can afford to eat today, what physical activity is needed, etc.

The second rule – you need to accustom yourself to a non-pyrogenic and non-sugar-free lifestyle, because the main enemies of a slender figure are fatty and sweet.

In addition, bearing in mind that fats are burned in the muscles, it is necessary to make the muscles work, give them a load. Muscles need to be toned, so daily walks and toning exercises are a must! The load should be such that it is pleasurable and, moreover, doable from day to day. There is no need to postpone anything until tomorrow and amuse yourself with the thought that “today I cannot, but tomorrow I will do everything in double size: I’ll go not 2, but 4 km, I’ll work out not 10, but 20 minutes”. This is all not true. If today you have not found the strength to work out for 10 minutes, then where will you find them for 20 minutes tomorrow?

The third rule is diet. And since you will have to observe it all your life, food restrictions should be manageable and not burdensome. It is easy to achieve this: eat more often (4-6 times a day), diversify the diet with new dishes and products (following the rule “less fat and less sugar”!), Reduce the amount of portions, eat slowly, chewing food well. And daily weight control will tell you how and when you can adjust your diet and exercise.

We do not relax by caring for our skin and hair, it gives us pleasure. That’s exactly the same amount of energy you need to spend on your figure in order to get the same amount of pleasure from your weight.

By observing these simple rules, you will provide yourself with a slender figure and new sensations in a new body – which means a new life! “

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