Why are some people suffering from COVID-19 so hard? The new study says more about the influence of genes
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25 DNA regions associated with the severe course of COVID-19, including as many as 16 unknown early, were identified during the research, reports Nature.

The severe course of COVID-19 in some people led scientists to believe that genetic factors could be at play early in the pandemic. This was soon confirmed by many scientific papers.

The study, the results of which has just been published in Nature, included 7491 critically ill and 48 from the control populationwhose genomes were analyzed by the GenOMICC (Mortality genetics in critical care) project.

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It is the largest study of this type, using the most accurate and comprehensive technology of DNA analysis in the form of full genome sequencing – WGS (Whole Genome Sequencing).

The work with the participation of almost 800 scientists from many centers was led by prof. Kenneth Baillie of the University of Edinburgh. Patients came from 224 intensive care units in the UK. Dr. Karolina Chwiałkowska from the Medical University of Bialystok also participated in the research, as a scientist supporting the management of the international HGI consortium (COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative).

We have identified 25 DNA regions associated with the severe course of COVID-19, including 16 previously unknown – for example variants within genes involved in interferon signaling (IL10RB, PLSCR1), leukocyte differentiation (BCL11A) and blood group antigen secretion status (FUT2). Functional analyzes of genes located in these regions indicate a multifactorial model of COVID-19 pathophysiology.

At least two distinct mechanisms may predispose to the life-threatening course of the disease: loss of control of viral replication processes or an increased tendency to pneumonia and intravascular coagulation.

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By identifying these processes, it is possible to plan research into an effective COVID-19 treatment. For example, earlier work has identified the TYK2 gene. A few days ago, it was announced that the drug baricitinib, whose molecular targets are processes regulated by TYK2, significantly reduces the number of deaths in patients hospitalized due to COVID-19.

23 out of 25 DNA regions identified in the British population were replicated in separate patient group studies from around the world, which were led by the world’s largest HGI consortium – COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative. Replication, i.e. obtaining the same results in completely different projects, of identified regions of DNA allows for the recognition of genetic variation within them as significantly associated with the severe course of COVID-19.

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Genetic variants located in the region located on chromosome 3 have also been independently detected in studies on the patient population from Poland as part of the POLCOVID project conducted by the Medical University of Bialystok, the biotechnology company IMAGENE.ME and the Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases in Warsaw with the participation of several clinical units from the whole country. The project was financed by the Medical Research Agency (ABM). The results of this research will soon also be published in the form of a scientific article.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

The POLCOVID model for predicting the odds ratio for severe COVID-19 based on age, gender and BMI data was used last month by the Ministry of Health as a calculator on the website patient.gov (https://pacjent.gov. en / aktualnosc / check-how-you-go-covid-19). (PAP)

Author: Paweł Wernicki

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