Why are pancakes dry?

Why are pancakes dry?

It happens that even when following the recipe, the pancakes turn out to be dry and fresh. What if the pancakes are dry, how to save breakfast or lunch? Let’s figure it out.

If the pancakes are dry, the reason should be sought in the recipe.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • too many eggs in the dough. Do not put more than 2 eggs in the dough, otherwise it may become “rubbery”;
  • pancakes are cooked in water. Of course, you can bake without milk and kefir, but sometimes this does not affect the taste in the best way;
  • soda was put into the dough. If there are no fermented milk ingredients in it, you don’t need to put soda at all, it will only harm.
  • the dough was too thick.

All of the above factors are quite capable of making the pancakes too dry.

What if the pancakes are dry?

Is there any way to save the situation? The first step is to try to soften their taste with butter. The finished pancake is well coated with butter on both sides. You can also experiment with the filling – stuff the pancakes with fried chicken, liver, or simply serve with fatty sour cream. Another trick: cover the stack of ready-made pancakes with a plate on top. From their heat, they will rebuke and become softer.

This will save the finished product, and in order not to get into such a situation anymore, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • The dough will turn out to be successful if you add a fermented milk component to it – sourdough or kefir. Then the pancakes will be delicate, will not wrinkle and will not break after cooling.

  • If you are planning a small portion of the dough, it is better to put in one egg than two. The excess protein harms the dough and makes it too dense.

  • The frying pan should be generously oiled. If you feel sorry for him, the pancakes will turn out not only dry, but also burnt.

  • The addition of one teaspoon of cornstarch to the dough helps to cope with the problem.

  • The consistency of the dough also matters. It should be like liquid sour cream. If the mass is too thick, the edges of the pancakes will dry out, while the middle will remain damp.

Does the pan in which the pancakes are fried matter? It is better to use the same pan for them, but what it will be is no longer so important. Pancakes are excellent in a thin pan, and in a thick cast iron.

Now you know why pancakes are dry; the causes can be easily eliminated with a little trick. And if you treat the process of their preparation responsibly and with imagination, such a problem will cease to exist altogether.

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