Why are leavens needed

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Our appearance and health are determined primarily by what we eat. Healthy skin, shiny hair and vibrant energy throughout the day are real if we eat healthy foods. But how to make food as healthy as possible?

For thousands of years, fermented milk and fermented foods, rich in natural probiotics, which, settling in the gastrointestinal tract, created a favorable environment for “friendly” bifidobacteria and lactobacilli of the body, made up a significant share in the diet of people, constantly replenishing their number. Originally, these natural probiotics were ingested daily with food. Today our diet is unbalanced, low in nutrients, and consists of refined products, devoid of vitality, poisoned by chemistry.

An incorrect or unbalanced diet disrupts the natural balance and reduces the vitality of the body. Excessive use of strong fertilizers, pesticides and preservatives burden the body with toxins and allergens, which directly and indirectly affects the intestinal microecology. We can say, “the degradation begins in the intestine.” As a result, we suffer from anemia, chronic fatigue syndrome and immune deficiency, hypersensitivity, hormonal and many other problems. Most of them have been proven to be due to an imbalance in the intestinal flora. And the only way out is the regular use of products and preparations that are a source of probiotic bifidobacteria and lactobacilli: starter cultures, functional food products, probiotic bifidobacteria and lactic acid preparations.

Dietary supplement. NOT A DRUG!

Functional food products include products with specified properties, depending on the purpose of their use. A functional product should have a beneficial targeted effect on human health, help prevent the development of certain diseases through participation in the regulation of relevant processes in the body.

An example is foods enriched with probiotic bacteria. Most often these are dairy products with the prefix “bio-“: biokefir, bioyoghurt, biorezhenka, bifidok, etc., as well as national dairy products: kefir (Russia), yogurt (Bulgaria), kumis (Kazakhstan, Tatarstan, Bashkiria, etc. countries with developed horse breeding), matsun (Armenia), etc.

Live yoghurts and other cultured dairy products are essentially dietary and stimulate the intestinal microflora. Their positive effect on the body is confirmed by the centuries-old experience of many peoples.

Japan was one of the first to recognize the health benefits of foods fortified with probiotic bacteria. Since then, as there was legislatively enshrined from birth to 15 years, the daily use of fermented milk bifidumbacterin (a liquid product with a very high content of bifidobacteria), the life expectancy of the Japanese has increased by 8 years. Japan also acquired a license from Russia to produce kefir, one of the best foods in their diet, according to the Japanese themselves.

The most valuable categories of fermented milk products include food enriched with bifidobacteria. Bifidobacteria are one of the main representatives of the normal flora in the human body and are necessary for any of us, since they are tirelessly fighting for our health with hordes of harmful microbes, toxins, etc. Moreover, this battle begins even before birth and continues throughout life. It happens that there are not enough fighters for our health in the body, and they are not able to help the immune system. And, having weakened, they themselves need support. This support is provided by bioproducts enriched with probiotic bacteria. By supplying living bacteria to the body, they strengthen it, pour it with vitality, which helps to resist various ailments.

Foods with live bacteria improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs, reduce the severity of allergic reactions. Bifidobacteria maintain the integrity and structure of the mucous membranes; reduce the toxic load on the liver, kidneys, pancreas, immune system and help them work. In cancer patients, bifidobacteria protect the intestinal mucosa during chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Only in this case, bacteria are needed very, very much, and therefore it is recommended to add a high-titre probiotic to the biological product. Lactobacilli strengthen the immune system, increase acidity in the lumen of the colon and form a laxative effect, contributing to the regular cleansing of the body.

With age, the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the body decreases, which is very often associated with impaired peristalsis and chronic constipation / diarrhea in older people, as well as a number of other problems. Therefore, helper bacteria for preventive purposes are also useful for healthy people. Foods and drinks with bifidobacteria are food for every day that will not disturb anyone. She can accompany breakfast, lunch and dinner.

There are two possibilities to turn a regular food into a functional one:

  • enrichment of an ordinary product with beneficial bacteria during its production (including home cooking) – for example, add bifidobacteria to kefir or cottage cheese;
  • obtaining raw materials with a given component composition, which will enhance the functional orientation of the final product, that is, the production of dry starter cultures with desired properties.

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Dry starter cultures for making homemade yoghurt

Dry starter cultures (lyophilizates of lacto-, bifido-, and propionic acid bacteria, which are used in the preparation of fermented milk products) are the microbiological basis for the preparation of functional food biological products at home.

The starter cultures intended for the preparation of organic products should have three main functions expressed at a high level: food, regulating and healing.

Nutritional function:

  • improve the nutritional value and quality of the cultivated product;
  • increase the number of enzymes due to their synthesis by probiotic bacteria;
  • provide a high content of B vitamins;
  • contain calcium and protein in an easily digestible form.

Regulating function:

  • reduce the allergic mood of the body, participating in the regulation of histamine metabolism;
  • regulate the assimilation and exchange of vitamins, iron, calcium, trace elements;
  • regulate behavioral reactions, reduce the risk of depression and neurosis.

Healing function:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • during fermentation, probiotic lacto- and bifidobacteria produce natural antibiotics, natural anticarcinogens and components that destroy or inactivate toxins;
  • activate intestinal peristalsis, eliminate chronic constipation / diarrhea, normalize the digestive tract in older people.

Many large manufacturers of lactic acid products add undesirable additives to the composition of yoghurts, biokefirs, curdled milk to increase the shelf life and improve the appearance of products: preservatives, thickeners, taste stabilizers, dyes, etc. These chemicals can cause severe allergic reactions, especially in children and older people reduce (to the point of complete elimination) the beneficial properties of the product. Therefore, the preparation of lactic acid products at home using dry starter cultures is now becoming especially relevant.

For your information: the shelf life of a fermented milk product without chemical additives is 5 days and not a day longer.

The largest producer of probiotics and a supplier of ferments for the production of sour cream, cottage cheese, yorurts, bifidumbacterin, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, acidophilus and other fermented milk products to dairies in Siberia “Vector-BiAlgam” (Novosibirsk, Koltsovo science city) has developed and began to produce a new series of yoghur cultures for “Natural Defense”: “Cleansing the Body”, “Health of the Whole Family”, “Sport Plus” and “Healthy Intestines”.

The production facilities of CJSC “Vector-BiAlgam” are certified according to the international GMP standard.

Dietary supplement. NOT A DRUG!

Who especially needs homemade fermented milk products fortified with probiotic bacteria?

  • Pregnant and lactating women – to maintain their own health and prevent gastrointestinal problems in newborns.
  • Those who have small children in their families, so as not to feed them with store products with preservatives, flavors, flavorings, starch and other unnecessary for the body, and, sometimes, fillers that are unhealthy.
  • For older people – by enriching your body with the main types of bacteria necessary for health, you can maintain activity and clarity of thought for a long time.
  • For those who are prone to constipation – to improve bowel function. For health reasons, such people need fresh, no more than a day from the moment of preparation, that is, with a certain balance of nutrients and bacteria, a fermented milk product (this balance changes even during storage in the refrigerator) – you cannot buy this in a store: until they bring it, until they issue, until they put it on sale, and time is running out …
  • For people with high acidity, poorly tolerating acidic foods, the bacterial composition in the ferments produced by Vector-BiAlgam is stable in acid formation, and homemade yoghurts based on them do not acidify, even if you forget to stop the fermentation process in time.
  • For those who need therapeutic and dietary nutrition during and after a serious illness / operation (it is recommended to combine with probiotic preparations).
  • Those who are healthy and carefully monitor their health, try, as far as possible, to eat quality food from proven products without unwanted fillers.
  • For those who like to fantasize in the kitchen – at home you can add any ingredients and in any combinations to your taste (juices, berries, fruits, honey, etc.) to the prepared dish and thus get options that simply do not exist and cannot be on sale.

The most important thing is that you cook natural, tasty and always fresh dairy products with your own hands without antibiotics and chemical additives

The freshness of a fermented milk product is a very important factor for people with intestinal dysfunctions:

  • the first three days after preparation, yogurt has a slight laxative effect;
  • after the 3rd day – begins to slightly consolidate;
  • It is not recommended to store natural yogurt “without chemicals” longer than 5 days.

Dietary supplement. NOT A DRUG!

Starter cultures for homemade yoghurt

Developer and manufacturer – “Vector-BiAlgam”, Koltsovo science city

Sourdough with bulgarian stick

Even I.I. Mechnikov noted that the longevity of the Bulgarian peasants is based on the daily consumption of lactic acid products. He began to investigate the problem of aging and came to the conclusion that when lactic acid bacteria are introduced into the body, these bacteria are capable of producing various antibiotic-like antimicrobial substances and substances that aid digestion, promote the elimination of toxins and have anti-aging effects.

In 1905, the Bulgarian physician Grigorov studied the composition of yoghurt and discovered the Bulgarian lactic acid bacillus L. bulgaricus.

Sourdough with acidophilus bacillus

In 1903, Doctor I.O. Podgorodetsky discovered a microorganism superior in its properties to the Bulgarian bacillus. This is L. acidophilus.

Products with acidophilus bacillus are used for medical and dietary nutrition, in recovery from severe infections, with prolonged use of antibiotics.

Sourdough “Purification of the body”

Sourdough “Purification of the body” contains lactobacilli species L. casei and L. bulgaricus.

L. casei is a healthy intestine, active immunity and effective detoxification of the whole body. When passing through the digestive tract, L. casei enhances the immune defense and cleanses the body of harmful flora, suppressing the growth of Clostridia, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, Vibrio, pathogenic strains of E. coli and other microorganisms that can cause food poisoning, allergies and intestinal inflammation.

Bulgarian bacillus (L. bulgaricus) increases acidity in the lumen of the colon and forms a laxative effect, contributing to the regular cleansing of the body of toxins, toxins and allergens. Saturation of the body with these lactobacilli improves digestion, normalizes stool, activates immunity.

Yogurt “Cleansing the body” recommended for medical and dietary nutrition with acute intestinal infections, food poisoning, Helicobacter pylori infection, chronic constipation / diarrhea and as a source of lactobacilli in daily diet.

Yeast “Sport Plus” contains cultures of propionic acid bacteria (Pr. arabinosum + Pr. freudenreichii), lactobacilli (L. bulgaricus) and thermophilic streptococcus (St. thermophilus).

Live propionic acid bacteria and Bulgarian bacillus synthesize substances that increase the body’s resistance to a wide range of damaging factors: stress, oxygen starvation, sudden temperature fluctuations, increased physical and mental stress, intoxication, infectious diseases, etc.

As a result of connection to sports nutrition yoghurt “Sport Plus” working capacity increases, adaptive capabilities and stress resistance expand, the body adapts more easily and faster to extreme loads, the toxic load on the liver and kidneys decreases, food digestion improves, stools normalize and the body’s saturation with vitamins, micro- and macroelements increases, the immune system strengthens.

Dietary supplement. NOT A DRUG!

Ferment “Health of the whole family”

Ferment “Health of the whole family” contains bifidobacteria (B. bifidum, B. longum), lactobacilli (L. bulgaricus) and thermophilic streptococcus (St. thermophilus).

Bulgarian bacillus has anti-aging effects and normalizes digestion.

Bifidobacterial cells nourish and energize our immune system, make it work better, enhance immune activity against viral, bacterial and fungal infections, protect the liver, help lower blood cholesterol levels by participating in the regulation of the ratio of high and low density lipoprotein fractions, etc. …

Yogurt “Health of the whole family” It is used for medical and dietary nutrition, in recovery from severe infections, after prolonged use of antibiotics, to maintain immunity. Especially useful for frequently ill children and for older people suffering from seasonal colds and chronic diseases; for pregnant and lactating women.

Ferment “Healthy intestines”

Ferment “Healthy intestines” contains lactobacillus L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus and thermophilic streptococcus.

Acidophilus bacillus is a permanent representative of the normal flora of the human intestine, both in children from birth and in adults throughout life. That is why this yoghurt is so important in the nutrition of people of all age groups and especially children from 6 months of age. Acidophilus bacillus is a strong immune system and a healthy intestine! Bulgarian bacillus improves bowel function and has anti-aging effects.

Yogurt “Healthy intestines” it is used both in daily and in medical and dietary nutrition, in recovering from severe infections, with prolonged use of antibiotics, to increase immunity in children and adults.

Dietary supplement. NOT A DRUG!

Benefits of homemade yoghurts based on “Nature Protection” starter cultures

  • Yoghurts, obtained on the basis of ferments produced by “Vector-BiAlgam”, contain more beneficial microorganisms than ordinary yoghurts, due to enrichment with useful bifidobacteria – the more types and strains of bacteria in the ferment, the wider the functionality of the product; the greater the total number of beneficial bacteria in the finished product, the stronger its healing effect on the body.
  • The microbiological composition of the starter cultures is unique, it contains species and strains of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, physiological for residents of Russia of all age categories.
  • Dry starter cultures produced by Vector-BiAlgam do not contain genetically modified microorganisms, preservatives, dyes and taste adapters, which makes them not only tasty and healthy, but also as safe as possible and makes it possible to cook healthy fermented milk products on your own. This is especially important for children, pregnant and lactating women, and older people. Your homemade yoghurt will only have what you put into it!
  • For the preparation of yoghurts based on starter cultures of the “Nature Protection” series, you can use any milk (cow, goat) of any fat content. These starters work well even with skim milk.
  • A daily intake of 2 glasses of non-fat yogurt with live probiotic bacteria contributes to weight loss, you can independently adjust the calorie content of yogurt by choosing milk with different fat contents: 3,2%, 2,5% and 1% fat.
  • Re-fermentation of yoghurt up to 6 times is possible.
  • You can make cottage cheese, cheese, whey (which is also very useful for health) from homemade yoghurt based on the “Nature Protection” starter cultures.
  • Homemade yogurt perfectly replaces mayonnaise and sour cream when preparing salads and dough for pancakes, pancakes and all kinds of pastries (including cakes).
  • Starter cultures of the “Nature Protection” series can also be used for making homemade soft drinks, for example, kvass, fruit drinks, etc.

Based on the materials of the newspaper “World of Pharmacy and Medicine” No. 1 (607) dated 18.01.2016


Representative office in Moscow: LLC “Vector-Center”

Тел.: (495) 280-01-33, 229-23-44, 988-84-43



In Nizhniy Novgorod:

Тел.: 8-904-785-44-84

You can buy complex probiotics and starters in pharmacies:

  • Gosapteka GP NO «NOF»: (831) 438-00-00, 257-75-66
  • Pharmacist Evenius LLC Pharmacy Chain PiK-NN: (831) 255-88-88
  • Pharmacy chain “Our Doctor” LLC “Vita”: (831) 466-48-83
  • Kstovo, pharmacy No. 322: (83145) 758-05, 298-10

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