Why are honey mushrooms dangerous?

Why are honey mushrooms dangerous?

Reading time – 1 minutes.

Honey mushrooms are edible mushrooms that are very healthy if consumed in moderation. But if you neglect the requirements of common sense and specific recipes, then this can bring trouble. The most common reasons are:

  1. Overeating honey agarics – mushrooms are quite a heavy food even for a healthy person, but those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases need to moderate their appetites even more.
  2. Poorly peeled and / or undercooked mushrooms – honey mushrooms must be thoroughly rinsed, large ones – soaked, rough legs – cut off, and cook for at least 20 minutes (young small mushrooms).
  3. Ingestion of inedible mushrooms – be sure to check mushrooms before picking if this is really an edible version of them.
  4. Over-salted and peppered mushrooms – such a preparation can be harmful to health, like any other food with excess spices.
  5. Individual intolerance.

The rest of the mushrooms are completely harmless to health and are recommended for food in small quantities.

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