Why are colorful vegetables and fruits useful?

Red – berries, beets, tomatoes, radishes, peppers, onions, apples give energy and vitality. Contains vitamin C, antioxidants. They strengthen the cardiovascular system, prevent the adhesion of cholesterol plaques to the walls of blood vessels, suppress the growth of malignant neoplasms, prevent aging processes and damage to the DNA structure. Red foods should be eaten with caution by allergy sufferers, people with high blood pressure and excessive excitability.

Orange and yellow – all citrus fruits, peaches, melon, apricots, persimmons, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, yellow peppers. They contain beta-carotene, pectin, antioxidants and a lot of vitamin C. Such products support vision, moisturize the skin, support the heart and immune systems, reduce the risk of developing cancer, improve the functioning of the digestive tract and liver, and activate the lymphatic system. Orange color increases mood and appetite, helps to find harmony.

White – garlic and onions, light potatoes, white melon, parsnips, root celery and root parsley, white asparagus, cabbage. The most useful ones are dark on the outside and white on the inside. They have a calming effect, strengthen the immune system, and help control weight. Cleanses the liver from toxins, is beneficial for skin health. Contains quercetin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties.

Green – kiwi, avocado, lime, artichoke, asparagus, green cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce and herbs, zucchini, spinach, green peas, apples, grapes, olives. They contain lutein, isoflavonoids, calcium and other important vitamins that help to strengthen vision, bones and teeth, and liver. They contain chlorophyll, which has an important effect on the body: it removes toxins, lowers bad cholesterol, normalizes intestinal function, protects against bacterial infections, and helps keep the body in good shape.

Purple – figs, black currants, blueberries, blueberries, blackberries, dark grapes, plums, blue cabbage, eggplant, purple potatoes, black pepper, olives. They contain powerful antioxidants, resveratrol (has anti-allergic properties), betanidine, which helps to absorb vitamin E. It maintains youth by improving the condition of the skin and hair, and is essential for pregnant women. But be careful: purple vegetables can also provoke allergies, and also retain water in the body in certain diseases.

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