Why am I sweating? Learn the causes of excessive sweating.
Why am I sweating? Learn the causes of excessive sweating.

Sweat is the body’s response to heat. This is how our body copes with regulating and excess heat. Why do some people sweat profusely while others don’t? Is excessive sweating only due to fever, exercise or summer heat?

Why are you sweating so much?

Hyperhidrosis can be caused by many unfavorable changes in the body. It can also be a kind of warning. If our sweating is not caused only by the summer heat, but appears suddenly and is very intense, and you cannot mitigate the effects with antiperspirants, go to the doctor.

What can be the causes of excessive sweating?

There are several common causes of excessive sweating.

Overweight – the easiest way to determine if you are obese is to calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index). Weight should be divided by height in meters squared. If your score is over 30, you are obese. Obesity, unfortunately, causes not only unpleasant ailment which is hyperhidrosis, but can lead to diabetes, atherosclerosis and many other diseases.

How to cope? – start exercising or playing a sport. Eat often, but little. Pay attention to what you eat and how many calories your meals have. Try not to overeat or spend too much time without moving.

Hyperthyroidism- this ailment is nothing more than an excess of T3 and T4 hormones and TSH. One of its symptoms is hypersensitivity to heat and excessive sweating.

How to cope? – go to an endocrinologist who will order the necessary tests and make a diagnosis and recommend treatment.

tuberculosis – even though the times when tuberculosis took its toll and was an incurable disease have passed, it still occurs and can cause, among other things, a symptom such as sweating. Tuberculosis is caused by Koch’s bacillus and is transmitted by droplet infection. When a tuberculosis-infected person is tuberculosis, we are very susceptible to infection, especially when our body is weakened.

How to cope? – in this case, as soon as you suspect tuberculosis, go to the doctor immediately. Treatment of tuberculosis takes place in a hospital setting and lasts for several weeks. After that, you need to take special care of your immunity. Stay outdoors, move a lot, eat healthy food and avoid contact with tuberculosis patients.

Menopause – it is one of the most frequently cited causes of excessive sweating. Hot flashes and heat waves occur at night or when you least expect it. This is a natural process caused by the loss of ovarian function and the resulting lower production of sex hormones.

How to cope? – menopause and related symptoms can be alleviated by taking hormonal drugs prescribed by a gynecologist. This is the so-called replacement therapy. It definitely improves the quality of life of every woman at this time.

Stres – We live in extremely stressful times. We try to face adversities, work efficiently, do several things at once. Strong emotions that accompany us then cause stress. If it is not discharged quickly and the problem is not solved, excessive sweating is a signal for us that the situation is escalating.

How to cope? – Of course you can try not to worry. However, this is impossible, so it is worth trying methods that will allow us to relax. We can listen to music, do manual work that will distract us from stressful situations.

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