WHO worried about the COVID-19 pandemic in North Korea. Contact with Pyongyang very difficult
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The World Health Organization (WHO) said the country is getting worse, according to its estimates of the spread of COVID-19 in North Korea. WHO experts complain about the lack of information and cooperation from the authorities in Pyongyang. North Korea does not want to disclose the number of people infected with the coronavirus or accept aid

  1. “It is very difficult to provide the rest of the world with proper analysis when we do not have the necessary data,” said Dr. Michael Ryan, WHO Director of Crises
  2. Korean authorities are not talking about COVID-19, but about the “fever” that occurs among the locals
  3. A few days ago it was reported that the number of people suffering from COVID-19 has been systematically decreasing. According to WHO estimates, 3,7 million infections with the SARS-CoV-2 virus could have occurred in the country
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

COVID-19 in North Korea Authorities talk about fever

«We are not able to make a proper assessment of the situation at the moment. We assume things are getting worse, not better, ”said Dr. Michael Ryan, WHO’s Director of Crises.

“It is very difficult to provide the rest of the world with proper analysis when we do not have the necessary data,” he added, explaining that the WHO only has the information about the COVID-19 outbreak that Pyongyang wants to share.

Meanwhile, North Korean authorities are not officially talking about COVID-19, but about “fever” and assure that the number of cases is falling. On Friday, the official North Korean news agency KCNA reported that the number of cases of “fever” fell for the seventh consecutive day, with just over 100 reported. new cases.

WHO: 3,7 million COVID-19 patients in North Korea

At the beginning of May, information about 390 thousand jobs was released from North Korea. SARS-CoV-2 virus infections daily.

According to Maria van Kerkhove, a WHO epidemic expert, North Korea has so far recorded a total of 3,7 million coronavirus infections, and as of May 27, the official COVID-19 death toll in the country was 69.

“There have been many reports of healings, but we have only received limited information from this country,” said van Kerkhove.

Michael Ryan stressed that the WHO “repeatedly offered help” to the North Korean authorities, including vaccines in three doses. “And we still offer them to them,” he added. He noted that WHO is working with China and South Korea to try to help North Koreans.

“We would not like to deal with intensive transmission of the virus in a population with a severely weakened healthcare system. It’s not good for the people of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, it’s not good for the region, and it’s not good for the world, ”Ryan said.

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