Who, when and how much should have sex?

What is the sexual constitution and do our needs for sex change over the years? Why is a light touch enough for some to go on a wave of sensuality, while others can’t tune in to hugs and kisses? The doctor-sexologist explains.

Sexual temperament is a constant value and is determined by such a concept as the sexual constitution. In nature, there are nine varieties of the sexual constitution, three in each type. The first type is weak, the second is medium, and, accordingly, the third type is a strong sexual constitution. 

As we have already said, the sexual constitution is a constant value, like a blood type or leg size. It is important to know it for everyone who cares about their sexuality, considers it a value and would like to maintain a harmonious relationship with a partner for a long time. If in a couple there are partners with different sexual constitutions, for example, a man with a strong one and a woman with a weak one, they can tune in to each other, but some difficulties will still lie in wait for them at different stages of the relationship.

How to determine sexual compatibility?

At the very beginning of a relationship, it would be good to ask the question: how compatible is our couple? Of course, if we are spiritually close and understand each other perfectly, then the relationship has already taken place. But the more we know about the characteristics of our partner — his character, sexual constitution, ideas about relationships, the history of his parental family, the more likely the relationship will last a long time, bring joy and pleasure. 

We cannot independently determine the type of our sexual constitution and find out what type is characteristic of a partner — a specialist will help with this

“In order to determine the type of sexual constitution, it is necessary to calculate a number of your own parameters, and, if desired, the parameters of your partner, and then calculate the final result using a special formula,” says Elena Malakhova, a sexologist and psychotherapist. — This is the moment when a sexologist turns into a mathematician for a while: he studies the parameters and deduces formulas. 

It takes into account several indicators. An important parameter for each of us is the so-called «trochanter index». This is the ratio of height to leg length. Another important parameter is the age of erotic libido. To determine it, a sexologist will definitely ask when you first became interested in the intimate sphere. And even ask how much hair on your body. Add a couple of other characteristics to this (according to the formula of the sex therapist Georgy Vasilchenko), and voila — the type of your sexual constitution is known.

Rules and exceptions

How can this valuable information be useful? The most obvious thing is that we will be able to understand what caused the difficulties in relations with a partner. But it also needs to be used wisely. 

“The same result can speak of a weak sexual constitution, and a decrease in libido, or even a delay in psychosexual development. The last two states can be changed. A weak sexual constitution is unchanged and, moreover, is a variant of the norm, ”warns the sexologist.

If it turns out that one of the partners has a reduced libido, then you can work with this by contacting a specialist. Perhaps this is exactly what prevents the relationship from becoming harmonious. The specialist will help to find the starting point for the decrease in libido, and at the same time the reason why it is suppressed.  

The delay in psychosexual development is associated with the «loss» of one, and often several stages in the development of psychosexuality. It is easy to describe it with the metaphor of «bud of an unopened rose.» To correct this condition is the more difficult, the earlier there was a delay in sexual development.

Rebus solution

If the history of your relationship started rough, for a long time you could not understand what was the reason for the discrepancies, you tried to reveal the sexuality of your partner, but to no avail, then determining the type of sexual constitution can help you. Finally, you will get answers to your questions: why is the partner so cold and distant, or, on the contrary, is ready to indulge in love joys always and everywhere.

In this case, the definition of the sexual constitution will be the solution to the rebus

Partners will finally find out (sometimes years later) whether their intimate relationship can be changed for the better. Is the weak or too pronounced sexuality of the partner associated with a delay in psychosexual development or a violation of libido, or is it a type of sexual constitution that is inherent in us by nature and does not require any adjustments.  

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