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Scientists from the World Health Organization warn that even with massive vaccinations against COVID-19, herd immunity will not be achieved in 2021. It is still necessary to follow safety rules, and even to increase restrictions. The first death victim of the coronavirus was found on January 11, 2020.

  1. Despite the start of mass vaccination in Europe, the coronavirus will still be difficult to control
  2. This year we will not achieve herd immunity, warns the World Health Organization
  3. Experts recommend continuing to follow the basic principles of limiting the transmission of coronavirus, such as washing hands, social distancing, wearing face masks. This will help stop new infections
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

We will not achieve herd immunity this year

German company BioNTech has said it is able to increase production of vaccines against COVID-19, from previously planned 1,3 billion to two billion. However, the company’s representatives noted that COVID-19 is likely to become an endemic disease, and vaccines will have to fight new mutations of the virus, and the naturally disappearing immune response will also be a problem.

Soumya Swaminathan, the chief scientist of the World Health Organization, was also not very optimistic. The Indian doctor said it would take a long time to produce and administer enough vaccines to contain the spread of the virus.

– In 2021, we will not achieve any level of population or herd immunity – she emphasized, emphasizing the need to keep a distance, wash hands and wear masks in order to minimize the effects of the pandemic.

There are currently 200 jobs performed in Great Britain. vaccinations per day, but the country’s chief physician Chris Whitty spoke to the BBC about the disease figures. – The coming weeks will be the worst since the outbreak of the pandemic. Before the vaccines take effect, we still need to double the restrictions, he stressed.

One year since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic

A year has passed since China confirmed the first fatal case of the coronavirus. Since then, 91 million cases of COVID-19 infection have been reported and the death toll is approaching 2 million.

China has mastered the virus to a large extent, but continues to struggle against local outbreaks. In Europe, the number of infections is still very high, especially in the UK. Britain, where a new strain of the virus was recently discovered. On Sunday, Our Country confirmed the first case of a “British” strain, and new mutations also appeared in South Africa and recently in Japan.

See more:

  1. Mutant coronavirus in Japan. What do we know about him?
  2. The South African strain of the virus is spreading to more countries

Many countries are introducing further restrictions in anticipation of the third wave of the pandemic. At the same time, a group of 10 WHO scientists on Thursday travels to China to – together with Chinese medics – investigate the site of the pandemic. On January 11, 2020, the first COVID-19 fatal case was reported in Wuhan. The victim was a 61-year-old.

Now normality is slowly returning to this city. In the streets you can see people going to work, parks and promenades are teeming with life. And only some people have masks on their faces. – Wuhan is now the safest city in China, and maybe even in the whole world – quotes the inhabitant of this city AFP agency.

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