
Is it possible to pump up energy? Is it possible to drain energy? Is there a person with bad, dirty energy? Is it possible to clean the energy if it is dirty?

We answer. Colleagues, if you want to work in a reasonable way and somehow in a scientific picture of the world, do not get carried away by these vivid metaphors about energy. Don’t create myths. The word «energy», people who are careless about the meaning of words, sometimes call everything in a row — experiences, the quality of relationships, fantasies, creativity, luck, sexuality, even the amount of money and the degree of freshness of air or products. Often, “energy” refers to any sensations or feelings — warmth, tension, a feeling of flow, vibrations, joy or sadness, resentment or jealousy, inspiration and rage. «Energy» is also called everything that is seen on the screen of the imagination — an imaginary light or color (it can be no less bright than daylight with a rich imagination), although light, color, sound — this is also classified in psychology as sensations. And, of course, our emotions and feelings fall under the concept of “energy”.

What to do with it? Treat words more carefully, do not confuse metaphors and reality.

First, energy cannot be «positive» or «negative», «clean» or «dirty». Those who know at least a little physics should understand that energy is not good or bad. Electric charge can be negative, positive or variable. Physicists conventionally designated different poles as “plus” and “minus”, assuming that free electrons run from “plus” to minus along the wires (and “holes” or “vacancies” in the opposite direction). But the light bulb does not care about the morality of free electrons and “holes”, it either burns or does not burn, and if its light seems “evil” to you, then this is a reflection of your state, and not a property of the light bulb. Do not confuse the characteristics of the subject and your attitude to this subject. If you say “He has bad energy”, this only indicates that your relationship with this person did not work out.

Second: «energetics» does not possess the properties of «liquid». It cannot be filled with it, it cannot be sucked out of you.

For a psychologist, the concept of «energy» is just a metaphor for the excitation of the body. The body is not a chamber pot with liquid and not a battery, but an energy generator. It is impossible to deprive an excited organism of its own excitation. You can make it so that the excitement cannot be realized, or vice versa — give it the opportunity to be realized — and after that the body will calm down (or not calm down) itself. It is impossible to directly give energy to someone who has no strength. You can promise a person a reward in the form of candy, recognition, attention, a kiss, sex, money, a promotion, and the person will be excited (inspired, interested) — the body will release hormones into the blood, and the body will be ready for more vigorous activity. It is more literate to talk about hormones, and not about energy or energy.

When you have a serotonin hormonal wave, you are calm and confident. Adrenaline/norepinephrine has risen in your body chemistry profile, energy has risen even higher. These chemical waves have subsided, a wave of oxytocin has gone — you will want to hug someone warmly, snuggle up and be together …

Talk about energy, but don’t forget what you really mean. Do not inflate the metaphor, otherwise it will burst like a balloon.

Yes, but is it possible to pump up energy? Of course you can. I’m going to go in for sports now. And you?

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