
Sauna is a great way to cleanse the body of toxins. It also perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the body. However, there are situations where the sauna is not recommended because it can harm your health. For example, during a cold when we struggle with an elevated temperature. Sauna then will not improve our health and will not cure – on the contrary, it can only worsen our condition. When else can a sauna be harmful to our health? Check what are the contraindications to using the sauna.
Heart and circulatory system diseases
High temperatures in saunas, especially in dry ones, are very dangerous for people suffering from circulatory failure. While in the sauna, there is excessive secretion of sweat and much faster exhalation of air from the lungs. People with cardiovascular disease may experience a rapid disturbance of water and electrolyte balance, as well as very dangerous dehydration of the body and a sudden drop in blood pressure. These dangerous processes can lead to thickening of the blood, which in turn leads to clots. In addition, under the influence of the very high temperature in the sauna, the good blood vessels on the skin can expand so much that with too low pressure, heart hypoxia can occur. As a result of such actions, the circulatory system of a sick person is so overloaded that it can lead to a stroke, fainting, and even fatal cardiac arrest.
Colds and flu
It is definitely not advisable to stay in the sauna during a cold or flu. “Treatment” in this way is a mistake because the sauna can significantly burden the sick body, which as a result will have much less strength to recover from the disease.
During menstruation, the woman’s body is weakened and more susceptible to infections, therefore it is not recommended to use the sauna for women who are menstruating.
Pregnant women should refrain from using the sauna for this period. During this time, the woman’s body gets used to the changes, so it should not be additionally burdened. In addition, high temperature lowers blood pressure, and this has a negative effect on the blood flow between mother and baby. Sauna is therefore dangerous at any stage of pregnancy. Doctors even believe that a steam sauna can cause birth defects in a child.
The child and the sauna
Children under the age of three should not be taken to the sauna because their immune system is not yet properly developed. In a warm and humid sauna, various fungi and bacteria can develop, which can easily attack a young body. For example, skin infections in the form of a rash or red spots may appear on the child’s body. Sauna also has a bad effect on the respiratory and circulatory system of the child.
Contraindications to using the sauna also apply to people with rheumatoid arthritis and spondylitis. People suffering from bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease should steer clear of it.