Who’s Afraid of the Dentist? As much as 98 percent. adult Poles [WE EXPLAIN]
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A large part of our society avoids dental offices because they are simply terrified of the dentist. Apparently, as much as 15 percent of the population suffers from dentophobia, which is a paralyzing fear that prevents a visit to the dentist. The effects of this phobia can be unpredictable even for doctors with many years of experience. For example, a dental unit may suffer.

  1. Research shows that almost all Poles are afraid of the dentist. 15 percent of respondents declare dentophobia, i.e. panic fear of the dentist.
  2. It is difficult to find a Pole without tooth decay. We come to the dentist’s chair very late, with a sore tooth, terrified.
  3. We do not care for hygiene properly: almost 4 million Poles do not brush their teeth, and 800 do not even have their own toothbrush.
  4. Meanwhile, untreated teeth are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also endanger our health: they harm the heart, kidneys, joints, increase the risk of inflammation and many other diseases. In pregnant women – they threaten the development of the fetus.

– You came to the treatment wearing a patterned jumpsuit – says Dr. Anna Cieślik. – She was very stressed and sweating a lot. The fabric from which the clothes were made had to be of poor quality, because the dyes melted under the influence of sweat and the pattern was left on the armchair upholstery. Worse, when the visit was over, it couldn’t be removed. When I called the hardware distributor, they refused to believe me.

Dentists say they still get men of all ages fainting in their armchairs and screaming kids. We regularly make an appointment when the tooth hurts. And although we know that we can get anesthesia, we prefer to avoid the dentist, because even an injection is terrible. The arguments repeated for years that the sooner we start treatment, the easier it is – both for us and for doctors, do not work. What should happen to persuade Poles to visit dental offices regularly?

National Health Test of Poles – take the test and find out about your health condition!

Statistics are ruthless

The Central Statistical Office reported that in 2018, 34,4 million dental services were provided in outpatient health care units, out of a total of 322,6 million of all services. Compared to 2017, those financed from public funds were 0,4 percent less. The reasons for this are high costs and difficult access to doctors.

In fact, dental treatment is not fully reimbursed. The National Health Fund will pay only for chemically cured fillings in the front teeth (from 1 to 3 in the upper and lower jaws). Free root canal treatment, the so-called endodontics, we are also entitled to the front twelve teeth only, and we can use the dental plaque removal treatment once a year. Every 5 years we can get an acrylic denture free of charge and have it repaired every 2 years. As you can see, whoever wants to be treated at the expense of the state has to cover the lion’s share of the costs out of his own pocket.

The data provided by the Central Statistical Office also show that women are less afraid of the dentist. Dental offices are most often visited by ladies living in cities. Almost 29 percent the advice concerned children and adolescents under 18 years of age and it was the highest rate in relation to the entire population. On the other hand, advice provided to people aged over 64 accounted for 14,4%.

The statistics also show that several million Poles have never visited a dentist once a year, although as many as 98 percent. has dental problems. Half of preschoolers, 91,5 percent, suffer from tooth decay. eighteen-year-olds and almost all adults. At the same time, every fifth compatriot brushes their teeth once a day, and 3,8 million people do not do it at all. 800 thousand does not have its own toothbrush. There is a sharp decrease in the frequency of brushing after the age of 60.

A statistical citizen uses 3,5 tubes of toothpaste annually, which is half as much as, for example, his German counterpart. This situation has remained the same for years. Therefore, GSK Consumer Healthcare data shows that more than half of the population over 40 wear dentures, and half of people over 65 are completely toothless.

An interesting, and at the same time full of contradictions, picture of our attitude to oral hygiene emerges from the questionnaire “Smile and social status” published in 2014. 85 percent Poles answered the question in the affirmative if they know how to prevent caries, pointing to:

  1. reducing sugar consumption (38%),
  2. frequent tooth brushing (27%),
  3. flossing and rinsing (27%),
  4. and regular visits to the dentist.

At the same time, 73 percent. admitted that he does not apply his knowledge in practice.

Prophylaxis will protect us from pain

– The condition of the teeth is influenced by many factors – says Dr. Joanna Kowalczyk, a dentist with 25 years of experience. – We get a tendency to caries or periodontal diseases in our genes. Of course, nothing exempts us from taking care of our teeth. By brushing your teeth after meals, we eliminate sugars, acids and bacteria that cause tooth decay. The basis is proper brushing. And let us not think that if we invest in an expensive electric or sonic toothbrush, it will do the job for us. Traditional but skillfully used, it is quite enough.

Patients rarely ask for training in proper tooth cleaning. Only 25 percent. of us brush our teeth for more than three minutes. However, ladies definitely brush their teeth more often than men. Unfortunately, we usually all do it wrong, moving the brush from right to left and vice versa, forgetting the circular and sweeping movements. We also do not remember to floss regularly.

– I would not exaggerate with rinsing – adds Dr. Kowalczyk. – Everyone should have a certain pool of bacteria in their mouths. If we try to sterilize it, we may run the risk of fungal infections.

Regular visits for checkups are our duty, even if we think that our teeth are in perfect condition. Let’s check that nothing worrying happens at least once every six months. Even more often, because every three months, children should have their teeth checked. If the dentists do return to school, things may get better. Certainly dentists will have a lot of work, because today in Poland as many as 90% suffer from caries. seven-year-olds. But the problem starts much earlier, because among three-year-olds caries is 57%, and among five-year-olds as much as 80%. subjects. There are as many as five sick teeth per 5-year-old.

– I do not know if this is a fashion for stress-free upbringing – says Dr. Kowalczyk – but very often parents bring children to my office, over whom they have no control. They are completely helpless, waiting for the doctor to seat them in an armchair and convince them to cooperate. To make matters worse, children are scared that if they are naughty, the doctor will pull out all their teeth. It is easy to see what effect these words have. Meanwhile, the child needs to be taught at home how to behave during the visit. If from an early age our children get used to regular visits to the dentist, we will spare them the stress and it will be easier for doctors to do their job.

The aesthetics of the teeth is becoming more and more important

The survey “Smile and social status” also shows that over 60 percent. of people pay attention to the teeth of the interlocutor. A nice smile took second place after the eyes, which attract the attention of 82 percent. subjects. This is followed by the hair and the overall attractiveness of the other person.

– The question that patients have asked me the most recently is: is it possible to whiten my teeth? – says Dr. Agata Dominik from a private clinic in Szczecin. – I even hear them from people who can boast of a really white smile. Often the desire to whiten the teeth is caused by the nature of the work that creates the fashion for a Hollywood smile. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of the fact that strongly yellowed teeth will not turn white after one treatment.

The questionnaire “Smile and social status” indicates that the respondents are most often not satisfied with the color of their teeth (59%). The next most frequently indicated defects are crooked teeth (26%) and discoloration (26%). We are much more lenient towards missing teeth (14% are dissatisfied).

Find out more:

  1. Do you brush your teeth often in a hurry? You can hurt yourself
  2. Sweet and sour and spicy. These are the worst enemies of your teeth
  3. The Six Commandments of Healthy Teeth

As a society, our lives are better and we can afford more than just a few years ago. That is why more and more people decide to invest in an aesthetic appearance. Teeth whitening or covering the teeth with a composite material is becoming more and more popular if they are permanently discolored, e.g. after taking antibiotics from the group of tetracyclines or iron in childhood.

– Many people systematically postpone the financing of cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as porcelain veneers, crowns and bridges or inlays and onlays – says Dr. Dominik. – Ladies prefer to get themselves nice teeth than another pair of high heels. You can live without new shoes, and without teeth… you know. It also seems to me that nowadays people are starting to feel ashamed of this kind of neglect.

The soft tissues of the face rest on the teeth, creating its symmetry and proportions. On the other hand, missing teeth can not only effectively change our features, but also prevent correct and understandable pronunciation.

Caries and periodontal disease don’t stop with the mouth

Neglected teeth not only detract from the beauty or the inability to chew food, but also various health problems.

– Bacteria can spread to vital organs – warns Dr. Joanna Kowalczyk – such as kidneys, heart, joints, and when immunity decreases, they cause inflammation. I’ve also heard of cases of sepsis. Swallowing unbitten food can cause digestive dysfunction, such as stomach and intestinal pain.

Periodontal diseases are as dangerous as caries. In Poland, chronic periodontitis occurs in eight out of ten people aged 35 and over.

In pregnant women, they increase the risk of having a baby prematurely many times. Bacteria from periodontal tissues can enter the bloodstream and then infect the placenta and the fetus. The toxins they release, the so-called pro-inflammatory cytokines stimulate an inflammatory reaction that is dangerous for the fetus. Vice-president of the Polish Society of Periodontology, prof. Tomasz Konopka, warned during a conference on the health of the oral cavity of pregnant women that periodontal diseases increase the risk of developing the so-called preeclampsia (pre-eclampsia), which causes a dangerous increase in blood pressure, proteinuria and inhibition of fetal growth.

In turn, the national consultant in the field of periodontics and the president of the Polish Society of Periodontology, prof. Renata Górska, drew attention to the influence of periodontal diseases on the occurrence of strokes and infarctions, increased risk of diabetes, chronic kidney disease, lung diseases and rheumatoid arthritis.

Research published in 2019 shows that the periodontitis bacteria Porphyromans gingivalis is associated with the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease. The results of experiments in mice indicate that they penetrate the brain, where they can initiate tissue damage.

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