WHO published a report from Wuhan. How did the coronavirus pandemic start?
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The World Health Organization has published a report on the possible origins of the coronavirus pandemic. It lists four possible scenarios of events. The most likely hypothesis is that COVID-19 will be transmitted from bat to human via another animal.

  1. World Health Organization experts have been working in China for almost a month in search of the origins of the coronavirus pandemic
  2. On Sunday, the report was transferred to the WHO member states, on Tuesday it was made public on the official website
  3. Supporters of conspiracy theories will be disconsoled. The scenario of the COVID-19 leak from the Wuhan laboratory was considered the least credible
  4. However, the source of the coronavirus has still not been found. For this, further research is needed
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How did the coronavirus pandemic happen? Four possible scenarios

A report released on Tuesday by the World Health Organization (WHO) lists four possible scenarios for transmission of the virus to humans:

  1. direct transmission from bats to humans
  2. indirect transmission – from bats to humans through other animals, e.g. pangolins, cats or mink
  3. passes through contaminated frozen food / food chain
  4. accidental leak from the lab.

The hypothesis that coronavirus is indirectly transmitted from bat to human by another animal considered “probable or very probable”.

The lab leak theory was considered the least likely. The theory of deliberate release of the virus from this facility was also ruled out.

Coronavirus in Wuhan. We still do not know the source

– As for the WHO, all hypotheses remain valid. This report is a very important start, but it is not the end. We have not yet found the source of the virus, we must continue to follow science and persistently search as we do all the time, said WHO chief Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. In his opinion, more research is needed.

“It takes time to find the source of the virus, and we owe it to the world. We need to find a beginning so that we can take steps together to reduce the risk of this virus recurring. No single research trip will ever provide all the answers, ‘added Dr Adhanom.

Coronavirus in Wuhan. It was not the market that was the beginning

The WHO team of experts worked in China from mid-January to February 10. After undergoing the mandatory two-week quarantine, he began field work. During their stay in Wuhan, the World Health Organization team together with Chinese scientists visited, among others hospitals, laboratories of disease control centers, Huanan Market and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, from where the coronavirus was supposed to escape according to conspiracy theories.

  1. Scientists: The pandemic didn’t start at the Wuhan market. There are more surprises

Specialists from WHO also questioned the hypothesis that the Wuhan market could be the source of COVID-19. They were more inclined to the theory that the pandemic may have originated on wildlife farms in southern China, and that the marketplace only allowed the virus to spread further.

Also read:

  1. More and more critical COVID-19 cases among young people. «Previously healthy. Today – barely alive »
  2. First: don’t lie. How and when to call an ambulance to a patient with COVID-19?
  3. Anesthesiologist: patients come to us in a very serious condition. 50-60 percent dies

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