WHO: Italy may have over three million coronavirus infections
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Ranieri Guerra, one of the directors of the World Health Organization and an advisor to the Italian government, said there could be up to three million SARS-CoV-2 infections in Italy.

Coronavirus: Italy. How many are infected?

In an interview with the daily “Il Messaggero”, Guerra, speaking about the possible number of people infected in the country, said: “We have several million, maybe over three million. There are densely populated regions where the virus has been intensively attacked ».

“The data, of course, vary a lot from region to region” – noted the expert.

Guerra stressed that while pneumonia was the most significant symptom at the beginning of the epidemic, there are more symptoms now. Therefore, in his opinion, it is necessary to conduct rapid tests for the presence of coronavirus and to establish contacts of an infected person.

«The future will be to vaccinate all people. About 80 vaccines are under research; at least five or six are extremely promising, so we can have an effective tool in the first three months of next year, »he said.

The WHO representative stated that it was the Organization’s concern that the price of the vaccine was available. “It cannot be reserved only to those who can afford it,” he explained.

The official data of the Italian Civil Defense is 91 thousand. people currently infected and over 214 thousand. cases confirmed so far. Over 29,6 thousand died people.

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