Greetings to my readers! Friends, everyone is familiar with the picture: the husband is on the couch, and the wife is all about household chores. Here we will try to figure out why this happens in many families.
It’s a pity that the number of divorces in our country is constantly growing: according to statistics, in the first half of 2016, 44,4% of married couples divorced. And this is only official data, to say nothing of civil marriages: if we take them into account, then this figure reaches 61%!
How to get your husband off the couch
One of the frequent complaints of women: “I do everything, I pull everything on myself, and my husband lies on the couch all day!” But before the wedding, she thought quite differently! How did this cute boy, who was courting so beautifully, suddenly become a lazy person? Is it coincidental? Has it turned?
Perhaps the problem is not only with him?
If a man works physically all day long, then believe me, he really comes home tired, and, of course, he needs to rest. And to lie down for 1-2 hours is “exactly that”.
If the husband’s work requires mental or emotional stress, then they get tired of this no less, and it is logical that the body requires rest. Feed your loved one and give him an hour of silence – after that he will gratefully respond to any of your requests.
It is only natural for a young wife to take care of her husband and home comfort. But it is not at all natural when she forgets about herself and voluntarily dumps all her homework on herself. Perhaps she is even better at it and she knows better, but wouldn’t a man feel like he’s superfluous in such a situation?
Wouldn’t it be better for him to lie quietly on the sofa so as not to interfere? And at the same time and quickly get used to such a life.
Sometimes women hope by their example to inspire a spouse for a labor feat. “He’ll see how I’m trying and take over some of the work.” And don’t get your hopes up! Your spouse is not a telepathic!
For him, if you don’t ask for help, then you can handle it yourself. And he can watch TV while the dinner is being prepared “by himself”, while the dishes “by themselves” are washed, while the linen is “itself” washed. And believe me, he will be very surprised when you call him lazy, because you did not ask for help!
Some men confess to lying on the couch in protest. If an affectionate girl, instead of a gentle wife, suddenly turns into a combat commander, this will certainly cause irritation. The result is either a scandal or a silent protest on the couch.
But in reality, the same request can be expressed in different ways. Compare: “When will you finally take your butt off the couch and hang the shelf ?!”, but: “Darling, I need your help.” And you yourself, what remark would you rather respond to? Men are so arranged that they perceive any request without an affectionate word as a military order.
Why does the wife swear?
Research by scientists at the University of California has proven that working together by a married couple causes the same level of the hormone cortisol in both. (Cortisol is a stress hormone.) When the husband is left alone in the room, his cortisol levels drop. But watching a husband bored with idleness causes a sharp jump in this hormone in his wife.
A sharp increase in cortisol causes the body to burn a huge amount of nerve cells and energy. This leads to a breakdown of the immune system and great stress on the heart.
Hence, dear men! It is a scientifically proven fact that a wife feels real stress when she sees her husband on the couch. If you don’t like homework so much, come up with a hobby – don’t bring your wife to a heart attack.
For some reason, men believe that a woman on maternity leave rests all day. With a small child in her arms, a woman’s working day is much longer than that of a man, plus constant “night shifts” and no days off! Isn’t the husband’s job to make life easier for his wife?
Any woman flourishes when she feels loved. The more strength and energy a wife has, thanks to the care of her husband, the more love and care she will give in return.
It is not for nothing that nature has created men strong and persistent, and women – affectionate and intelligent. Only joint efforts and mutual love will bring harmony to family relationships for many years.
Why is your husband on the couch?
🙂 Friends, as always, I am waiting for your comments, advice, additions to the article “Husband on the couch: who is to blame and what to do?”