Who is the evil one: explanation, example from life

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Who is the evil one? I will try to explain and give an example from life. At the end of the article there is an interesting cartoon about the evil ones.

Sinister – who is this?

Sinister or sinister – in life it is a malevolent and embittered person at all. Main features: immorality, godlessness, envy, pride, ruthlessness, aggressiveness, vampirism, cruelty, selfishness. The evil ones take pleasure in their deeds. On the online forum, these are evil trolls.

In the mythology of Ukrainians and Belarusians, these are demonic creatures, unfriendly to humans. They live in houses, but are invisible. Sinister is synonymous with the fairy-tale characters familiar to you: Grief-Misfortune, Trouble, Dashing, Share, Nedolya, brownie. Sinister can be imagined sitting on the shoulder of a person and confusing him.

Example of life

At school, I was in the same class with a very bad girl – a real evil one. She constantly imposed her friendship on me, but at the same time, she did all sorts of dirty tricks on me. For example, she spread various gossips about me, threw mud behind my back so that other girls would not communicate with me.

And once, she asked to come to my house, supposedly to take a notebook. When I was away from the room for a while, I pulled out from my desk a small amount of money that I had saved for my mother for a present …

We graduated from school, entered institutes, many classmates went to different cities and towns, and she did not calm down. At that time I was dating a guy, she also knew him.

Once my lover and I went to a former classmate’s birthday party. Sinister was already there by the time we arrived. And I would never have believed what is happening if I had not seen everything with my own eyes.

Sinister crossed with my boyfriend in the hallway (she was probably waiting for him there on purpose) and gave him something to drink under the pretext of some kind of toast, so that we live happily ever after.

Now I’m sure it was a love spell! The beloved immediately seemed to be replaced: he immediately quarreled with me over some trifle, said that it was better for us to part. For the rest of the evening, the guy danced only with the birthday girl, he didn’t even look in my direction. By the way, the hero of the occasion was the evil’s best friend.

Soon I was getting ready to go home and asked the guy to accompany me. He rudely refused. After this incident, we never made up – we parted forever.

Sinister’s best friend soon moved to another city and left my now former lover. He suffered a little, and then met another, got married, but two months later they divorced.


And life ultimately punished the culprit of this story for everything: for a love spell, for nasty people, for hatred and envy. Many years later, she never got married, she didn’t make any children either – it turned out that she was sterile. In addition, she is addicted to alcohol. Once she fell asleep with a cigarette and died in a fire.

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