Who is most at risk from COVID-19 right now? There are several risk groups
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Ahead of us is the peak of infections in the fifth wave of the coronavirus. The daily average from the last week is already approaching 50. According to forecasts, it may even reach 100-140 thousand. illnesses daily. Who is currently most at risk from COVID-19 infection and severe disease? We explain.

  1. Last day, more than 56 thousand were registered. new COVID-19 infections. It is close to the record number from January 27 – 57 thousand. 659
  2. Several groups are exposed to coronavirus infection, especially the severe course of the disease
  3. These are mainly unvaccinated people, but also seniors, children and people who were vaccinated many months ago
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Most vulnerable to COVID-19 – unvaccinated and early vaccinated

The Omikron variant, which is currently dominant in Poland and around the world, is extremely contagious. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated people become infected. This is due not only to the specificity of the new variant. This is also a result of the fact that, after a few months, the effectiveness of protection (though not completely) against infection resulting from vaccination decreases. Therefore, a booster dose is needed to protect yourself from infection.

However, it must be clearly emphasized: two doses of the vaccine still provide solid protection against the severe course of the coronavirus and the need for hospitalization. In the case of Moderna and Pfizer preparations, the effectiveness after six months is 55-60%. A booster dose increases this effectiveness to over 90%.

  1. The doctor himself fell ill. Now it tells you what to eat and how to control yourself with the Omicron

Summing up: Omikron infects the unvaccinated and those who were vaccinated several months ago to a similar extent, but it is much less dangerous in the course of the disease for the latter group.

Do you want to test your immunity to COVID-19 after vaccination?

Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Children most vulnerable to COVID-19

The effectiveness of vaccines in protection against severe disease can be found out by visiting pediatric hospitals. Signals that Omikron is particularly dangerous for the youngest children, i.e. the group with the weakest or even not vaccinated at all, come, for example, from the United States. In December, half of the patients in hospitals were children.

– Already in the fourth wave, we had more children in hospitals, because the older groups were vaccinated better than the children. The mileage was more serious with the Delta variant. Now, Omicron talks about being more infectious, but not more virulent, but in children it can look really bad. We have to prepare for it – told Medonet a few weeks ago Dr. Lidia Stopyra, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Paediatrics at the Specialist Hospital. Stefan Żeromski in Krakow.

The rest of the text is below the video.

Now he confirms these concerns. – We see a lot of patients. The branch is on the verge of occupancy – she said on Monday in the program “Onet Rano.” – More and more children are ill, more and more require hospitalization. We have a wave from the Omikron variant which is highly infectious. It can be said that this is a milder variant, but due to the fact that we have a huge number of infected, the percentage of patients who are seriously ill is high – explained Dr. Stopyra.

In her opinion, it should be expected that many more children will be ill, especially those under the age of 1.

Most vulnerable to COVID-19 – seniors

Seniors are the group most exposed to coronavirus infection, as well as to the severe course of the disease, from the beginning of the pandemic. It is no different during the current wave, caused by the Omikron variant. Recently, Deputy Minister of Health Waldemar Kraska on TVP said that with infections at the level of 50 thousand. per day, people aged 60 and more account for 15 percent. cases. This percentage increases significantly in the case of the death data. People from the 60+ group account for 87 percent. all fatalities.

That is why the deputy health minister called on seniors to limit contacts with other people for some time.

  1. Polish doctor on the approach to the pandemic in Sweden: COVID-19 is not a front page topic here

– Let’s endure these several more weeks. Here the statistics are ruthless. These people have multiple comorbidities. Every infection, every infection with coronavirus can definitely worsen their health. Hence my appeal: let us follow all our recommendations, let us limit contacts. I hope it will be a few more weeks and we will slowly recover from this fifth wave – said Waldemar Kraska.

Most vulnerable to COVID-19 – people with comorbidities

Another group that is exceptionally exposed to any viral infections and complications are people with comorbidities. This also applies to the SARS-CoV-2 virus in every possible variant, including the current one. This group is susceptible to infection and severe disease, even after full vaccination.

Daily data from the Ministry of Health on deaths due to COVID-19 shows the proportion of fatalities in patients with chronic diseases. In recent days, this percentage has ranged from 70 to 90 percent.

  1. See also: Unvaccinated Omikron convalescents will fall ill again in six months

The most common risk factor diseases are hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease, other cardiovascular diseases, chronic liver diseases, renal failure and respiratory diseases. It should be noted, however, that the prevalence of most of these diseases is closely related to age.

Obesity is a very important factor influencing the course of COVID-19. Research conducted last year showed that the risk of hospitalization in this case increases by 113%, the risk of admission to the intensive care unit by 74%, and the risk of death by 48%.

– Obesity has always been a risk factor in many diseases, especially in the case of respiratory tract infections – said in an interview with PAP an infectious disease specialist and the chairman of the Polish Society of Vaccinology, Dr. Ernest Kuchar.

Also read:

  1. What should COVID-19 treatment be like at home? The most important recommendations of the expert
  2. More and more hospitalizations of children with COVID-19. Why is this happening?
  3. Menstrual disorders after vaccination. Findings
  4. How to sign up for the COVID-19 test? [WE EXPLAIN]

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