Who is Mikhail Mishustin: biography, wife and children

Who is Mikhail Mishustin: biography, wife and children

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Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich: biography

Mikhail was born on March 3, 1966 in Moscow. Father, Vladimir Moiseevich Mishustin, worked in the security department of Sheremetyevo airport. Mother, Louise Mikhailovna, was a paramedic.

  • After graduating from school in 1983, the young man successfully passed the exams at the machine tool institute;
  • 1992 – after graduating from graduate school, he was appointed head of the test laboratory;
  • then was in charge of a computer club. The goal of the club is to attract and integrate the latest information technologies;
  • in 1998 – entered the civil service in the Tax Committee and oversaw the receipt of payments;
  • then he took the post of Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Taxes;
  • 2004 – head of the agency “Rosnedvizhimost”;
  • since 2009 – in the personnel reserve for managerial positions;
  • 2010 – Head of the Federal Tax Service;
  • since 2010 – acting state adviser to R.F. 1st class;
  • On 15, Russian President Putin proposed Mishustin’s candidacy for the post of head of government. The next day in the State Duma he was approved for this position.

Mikhail Vladimirovich is fond of hockey. He is the author of music for two songs by G. Leps. Mishustin – D.E. Sci., author of three monographs and 40 scientific articles.

Mikhail Mishustin’s wife

2010 to 2018 the Mishustins’ family earned 1 billion rubles. According to the FBK, 80% of them were contributed by the spouse of the head of the tax service.

Interestingly, a month before Mishustin’s appointment as head of government, FBK officially turned to him for an explanation of where and how his wife could earn a considerable sum. But there is no answer yet.

Wife – Vladlena Yurievna, born in 1976. Since 2008 she has been registered as an individual entrepreneur. Engaged in discos. In 2014, f. “Forbes” published a rating of the richest wives of Russian civil servants, where she took 9th place. Her income for the year amounted to 160,1 million rubles.

The family owns an apartment of 140 sq. m. and a residential building – 800 sq. m. There is a plot of 2,63 hectares in the village. “Cotton Way”. Along Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway, 5 houses have been erected, worth 1,5 billion rubles, which for some reason are listed as the property of the “Russian Federation”.

The family has three sons:

  1. Alexey (born 1999) studied at a prestigious private boarding school in Switzerland. In 2018 he was enrolled as a student at the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman without passing exams.
  2. Alexander (born in 2000) is studying with his older brother at the Moscow State Technical University.
  3. Mikhail (born in 2009) is a student of one of the most prestigious Moscow schools.

Reasons for appointment

He is an executive technocrat. A figure that can strengthen the financial block. The elite of the regions will be weakened and the role of technocracy will be strengthened.

Mikhail Vladimirovich can use the efficiency of digitalization. And this means that he was appointed to “gut” everyone in order to find the means to fulfill at least some of the president’s repeated promises with enviable regularity.

As the head of the Federal Tax Service, he proved that he would be able to solve this difficult task, although he had many mistakes in the field of digitalization. He is a staunch supporter of increasing taxes and tightening controls over electronic money systems.

Mishustin will be able to push the Digital Economy out of the muddy swamp, which has often been accused of the failure of numerous national Russian projects. The digital economy, according to Kudrin, spent 20% of the country’s annual budget in three days. Perhaps the new prime minister will cope with this task.

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