who is he and how to recognize him in society

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Who is a Sociopath

This is a genetically unhealthy person. He is devoid of conscience and does not know how to control himself morally, refusing to conform to the norms of society.

At first glance, he is charming, knows exactly what you like, and you feel like a princess with him. But after a while, under the shell of Mr. Perfect, signals will start flashing: something is wrong here. After all, he turns out to be a sociopath. Is it possible to live with such a person?

If you think that sociopaths among us behave inappropriately, I must disappoint you. You may be confusing them with psychopaths, of which there are not many. But there are quite a few sociopaths among us according to recent polls.

In a nutshell, it’s pretty simple. They don’t distinguish between good and bad. Unfortunately, sociopaths are often found in large companies, where they enjoy using their charisma as well as the incredible lust they often experience.

For example, they can be found at work, and at first glance they are not recognized even by an experienced psychologist.

They will charm you

Everyone knows their charm and charisma. So if your new coworker is unfortunately a sociopath, you probably won’t resist him.

As mentioned above, such a person does not distinguish between good and bad, he is an excellent actor who has played for many years. Therefore, if he feels that he has a chance, he will do everything to defeat you.

Expert Opinion

“Sociopaths are great actors. Experienced psychologists only after a while begin to realize that something is wrong, and unprepared people after quite a long time. From my practice, I know that, for example, a woman in love will find out the sociopathic behavior of her partner in a month or two. ”

“At first, these are trivial things that they do not pay attention to, and only after a while they realize that something is wrong. For all romantics with a penchant for correcting negative heroes, I point out that a quality life with a sociopath is impossible and certainly not recommended! ”Warns psychologist Lynn Barber.

How to recognize a sociopath

If he is sexy and cheerful, and the first months with him are like a fairy tale, a prince on a white horse will not work. The point is that a sociopath does not perceive emotions. This is a masterful game, and therefore his love for you is just a pretense, an abuser’s mask. So how do you know who you are honored to be with?

Do not entertain yourself with illusions

These people are sick liars, and sooner or later it turns out that their stories somehow do not add up. He just doesn’t want to close his eyes to the facts. As you can see in everyday life, the sociopath is ruthless.

He never prefers you, he doesn’t help right away, because he doesn’t want to. Therefore, you should not pay attention only to a prepared “theater”, for example, for dinner in a luxurious restaurant.

On the contrary, focus on the general points of daily life. Ruthless behavior cannot be hidden for long. Aggressiveness, suppressed and visible, is also typical. Just as the explosive nature that smolders beneath the surface and often just goes out, they also have an inherent inability to let go of anything.

On the edge of the law

Violation of all kinds of rules, sometimes even laws, is also typical. It may look innocent in the beginning. After all, he climbed over the fence and stole a rose from the garden. But then, for fun, he runs away from the restaurant without paying. And when caught or exposed, he will react aggressively or come up with a story that you can hear.

who is he and how to recognize him in society

Signs of a sociopath in men

  • a high self-evaluation;
  • lack of conscience;
  • excessive aggression towards others (more often in adolescents);
  • cruel actions: he can easily torture a dog, a cat, beat a peer, steal money, kill a person;
  • cruelty, tendency to torture and violence;
  • irresponsibility;
  • impulsive behavior;
  • cunning and calculating;
  • do not tolerate criticism;
  • need admiration and attention;
  • love to take risks.

What to do?

If a sociopath:

  • boss: do not tell anything superfluous, do not give in to provocative questions, emotions and manipulations;
  • colleague: do not devote to personal affairs, distance yourself from him;
  • child: see a psychotherapist for diagnosis and behavior correction.

It is clear that a normal healthy relationship with a sociopath is impossible. If you fall in love with such a person, but want to play it safe, do not marry with great obligations. Let the charm pass and let it all go.

Most of these people don’t get married or have children because a sociopath cannot change. It is not in his power.

Famous sociopaths in the world

  • Adolf Gitler;
  • Joseph Stalin;
  • Caligula is the Roman emperor;
  • John Wayne Gacy – maniac killer (33 victims);
  • Jeffrey Dahmer – 17 kills
  • Andrey Chikatilo – 53 serial murders, according to another version – 65.

Friends, have you met such people in your life? Leave a comment on the topic “Sociopath: who is he”. Until next time on the site!

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