Who is childfree and why people don’t want children

😉 Welcome new and regular readers! Want to know who childfree is? Let’s talk about it.

Everyone has heard the saying “Children are the flowers of life!”. At all times, the main goal of most adults has been procreation. The birth of children was welcomed, especially in Russia. They always looked at childless couples with chagrin: “God did not give children!”

It would seem that there is something special about the desire to have offspring: it was so, and it will always be so. However, it is increasingly said that married couples are not the same as they used to be.

Families collapse, marriages fall apart as soon as they are created, and some men and women, although they live together, want to be childless. About them and will go further conversation.

Who are childfree

These are people who have decided to deliberately abandon children. They belong, as a rule, to the upper stratum of society. More often among them: artists, ballet dancers, scientists, writers or monks. And also those who are not religious and do not adhere to conventional wisdom.

Here we will not touch on couples who do not have children for health reasons or poor heredity. We are talking about families that, of their own free will, refused to procreate, that is, do not want to become parents.

Such people are called “childfree”, which literally means “free from children.” The couple believe that their daily life is fulfilling and fulfilling even without a child. Some of these couples love babies, but … strangers. Others are indifferent to them, and still others feel dislike and sometimes hatred towards the “flowers of life”.

But all these people are similar in one thing: they do not want to have offspring and sometimes go to sterilization of their own accord. They not only live with their own principles, but also are in a society of like-minded people.

Such societies have recently become popular. They have their own clubs, groups and forums on the network – here they communicate and discuss family problems.

In America, it is not so much a community of people with similar views. They actively promote the slogan of childlessness and believe that believers treat them unfairly. Psychologists believe that a childless person is selfish.

Why people don’t want children

Main reasons:

  1. Reluctance to be deprived of a comfortable life.
  2. Lack of the main motive – procreation.
  3. Unwillingness to waste your time raising a child.
  4. The aspiration is to build a successful career.
  5. Panic fear of childbirth in women.
  6. Disgust for children.

Opinion of the author

Some people do not have children of their own and do not take them from the orphanage. You cannot blame them for this. I think that the childless act in this way more honestly than those who “bear” orphans for these orphanages or physically abuse their children.

Think of babies in trash cans or abandoned (at best) in maternity hospitals and train stations. Sometimes, many need to learn from animals that protect their young.

Each of us has our own path in life. The presence or absence of children has its pros and cons. Many of my idols did not have children, but they left a legacy for generations. For example, PI Tchaikovsky, AP Chekhov, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Maya Plisetskaya, Vitaly Wulf, Faina Ranevskaya … The list is endless.

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