Who is behind the Polish drug for COVID-19?
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The Biomed Lublin company announced that it has just completed the production of the first Polish drug for COVID-19 based on the blood plasma of people who contracted COVID-19. Who is behind the concept, preparation and testing of the drug? Meet the people who contributed to the development of a potential COVID-19 cure.

  1. The concept of the drug was prepared by senator Grzegorz Czelej and Waldemar Sierocki, a member of the supervisory board of Biomed Lublin
  2. Prof. Krzysztof Tomasiewicz and prof. Krzysztof Pyrć
  3. The works would not have started without the support of the president of the board, Michał Piróg. Artur Bielawski is responsible for the supervision of the production of the drug
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

«Silent Hero» Waldemar Sierocki

Waldemar Sierocki has been a member of the supervisory board of Biomed Lublin SA since December 2017. He also sits on the supervisory board of Żaro Sp. z o. o. is also the president of the management board in Warmina and Klif companies. From June 2008 to July 2016, Sierocki was the president of the management board of the first limited liability company Biomed Wytwórnia Surowic i Szczepionek, which was later transformed into a joint-stock company.

Senator Grzegorz Czelej, who is also involved in the project to create the first Polish drug for COVID-19, met with Sierocki for the first time on March 18, 2020. “He is a silent hero,” said Czelej about Sierocki. The second meeting of the two gentlemen took place two days later and lasted several hours. «During the interview, Biomed assured that it was able to isolate specific antibodies. Immediately after the meeting, the Lublin company submitted a preliminary research project to the Medical Research Agency »- adds Czelej.

Senator Grzegorz Czelej – co-creator of the drug concept for COVID-19

«We are the first in the world to have a COVID-19 drug – a drug that works. It contains antibodies that neutralize, or kill the virus, ”Senator Grzegorz Czelej said at a press conference, proudly holding an ampoule of the drug.

Czelej was involved in the Biomed Lublin project from the very beginning, he is also a co-creator of the concept of the drug. The senator is a doctor of medical sciences, specializing in pediatric dentistry. Since 2007, he has been a member of the Senate in subsequent terms.

Prof. dr hab. n. med. Krzysztof Tomasiewicz involved in research on plasma of convalescents

Prof. Krzysztof Tomasiewicz, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases PSK 1 in Lublin, was also involved in the process of creating a plasma-based drug. Already in April, in the hospital where prof. Tomasiewicz, a patient with COVID-19 was administered plasma obtained from a convalescent.

– We managed to administer plasma to the first patient on Tuesday afternoon. It was a middle-aged man. We administered plasma at the turn of the first and second phase of the disease, that is, at the time when the symptoms were getting worse, but before the onset of respiratory failure. Plasma is transfused just like blood, but in order for a sick patient to receive plasma from the convalescent’s blood, the blood group of the donor and recipient must match, Tomasiewicz explained then.

Then the professor got involved in the development of plasma-based leu.

Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć examined the effectiveness of the drug

Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć from the Małopolska Center of Biotechnology of the Jagiellonian University joined the project to test the effectiveness of the preparation produced by Biomed Lublin. As he admitted, in vitro tests carried out in a laboratory show very promising results and “allow us to hope that it will also be effective in helping patients”.

Krzysztof Pyrć is a biologist and biotechnologist, specialist in microbiology and virology, professor of biological sciences and academic teacher at the Jagiellonian University.

Artur Bielawski and Marcin Piróg from the management board of Biomed Lublin

In addition to Waldemar Sierocki, Artur Bielawski – production director of Biomed Lublin SA and Marcin Piróg – current President of the Management Board of Biomed Lublin were also involved in the development of the first Polish drug for COVID-19.

Piróg graduated from the Lorraine University of Technology in France, he also holds a Master of Business Administration degree from NSEAD in France and the Advanced Management Program from Harvard Business School in the USA. Bielawski is responsible for the production of the drug for COVID-19 from plasma.

More about the new COVID-19 drug:

  1. Plasma therapy for convalescents for COVID-19 patients. What do we know about its effectiveness? [WE EXPLAIN]
  2. The production of the first Polish drug for COVID-19 has ended. Now the testing phase
  3. What do we know about the first Polish drug for COVID-19?

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