
Personal development in conditions of pathological (wrong) education. Lecturer Zhuravlyov I.V., psychiatrist. Video from

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Overwhelming overprotection is considered the most unfavorable type of parenting. Basically, it is manifested by the strongest control on the part of the parents of the child. The main character in this life situation is considered to be the “schizophrenogenic mother”.

The quotation marks are here for a reason. «Schizophrenogenic mother» is a term for a type of mother who is dominant and uninterested in the needs of others. That is, this is a completely healthy woman with no pathology.

This type of mother is determined by strong anxiety and dominance. She constantly monitors the actions of the child. He considers it his task to describe his every step (in severe cases — until his retirement) and vigilantly monitors the precise execution of the written plan.

Children are also placed in a difficult situation by the ambivalence of such mothers, from which the double bond arises. In this situation, the child does not understand at all what his mother wants. She can tell him: “Go for a walk”, but at the same time all her movements, facial expressions, that is, non-verbal manifestations, will shout: “Stay here, don’t go anywhere!”. And children are usually very sensitive to such moments.

The “schizophrenogenic mother” does not know how to show love, maternal care and affection. She is not interested in the affairs and problems of her child. Her whole life is focused only on demanding from him constant submission, the fulfillment of the routine already drawn up by her. For example, a child comes home from school. She will not ask how he is doing, how he played today with friends (and if he has any at all), what he liked to learn. She is only interested in numbers: what grades she received.

With such upbringing, the child grows up emotionally cold, unable to show his feelings for people, a person who does not feel social norms, the rules of society; all his actions are passive — he is waiting for orders; he does not have any desires and interests. He does not understand the real world around him, and the world does not understand and does not accept him, considering him an eccentric «not of this world.»

No wonder Ernst Kretschmer, a psychologist, called children prone to the schizoid type «the dream and joy of mothers.» They will never dare to disobey, express their disagreement or act in their own way.

At the same time, the inner life of the child will be bright, seething, fantasy. There he will be a real hero for himself, independently making decisions, dreaming, insatiable in activities. But all this will be hidden behind a stone wall, which will react negatively to the slightest intrusion into the “closed territory”.

This is a classic example of how the pathological development of a personality occurs with improper upbringing. It is as a result of this that a schizoid («shiza» — «splitting») type of character accentuation is formed, which can develop into a pathology of varying severity.

Dear Parents! Love your children, worry about them, worry, but always remember that they are individuals who should have their own desires, dreams, hopes. Listen to them and help them make the right choice, but let them make the final decision.

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